What does it mean to be a Christian? n It must mean to be Christ-like! (Gal 2:20)
What does it mean to be a Christian? n It must mean to be Christ-like! (Gal 2:20) n The Sanhedrin faced these men. (Acts 4:13)
What does it mean to be a Christian? n It must mean to be Christ-like! (Gal 2:20) n The Sanhedrin faced these men. (Acts 4:13) n Jesus had radically changed these men from what there were. (Lk 9:37-56)
They had learned the meaning of authority n In the baptism of John. (Mk 11:30)
They had learned the meaning of authority n In the baptism of John. (Mk 11:30) n In the teachings of Jesus. (Mt 28:18-20)
They had learned the meaning of authority n In the baptism of John. (Mk 11:30) n In the teachings of Jesus. (Mt 28:18-20) n Authority will produce a careful appeal to Book, Chapter and Verse. (Col 3:17)
They had learned the meaning of authority n In the baptism of John. (Mk 11:30) n In the teachings of Jesus. (Mt 28:18-20) n Authority will produce a careful appeal to Book, Chapter and Verse. (Col 3:17) n In the stands of Jesus. (Jn 2:13-17)
They had learned the meaning of character n Their calling to follow Jesus tested their character. (Lk 9:58-62)
They had learned the meaning of character n Their calling to follow Jesus tested their character. (Lk 9:58-62) n Some fear disappointing others. (Jn 12:42-43; 9:20-23)
They had learned the meaning of character n Their calling to follow Jesus tested their character. (Lk 9:58-62) n Some fear disappointing others. (Jn 12:42-43; 9:20-23) n They faced the Sanhedrin without fear of compromise.
They had learned the meaning of character n Their calling to follow Jesus tested their character. (Lk 9:58-62) n Some fear disappointing others. (Jn 12:42-43; 9:20-23) n They faced the Sanhedrin without fear of compromise. –They gave a simple lesson on authority. (Acts 4:17-21)
They had learned the meaning of character n Their calling to follow Jesus tested their character. (Lk 9:58-62) n Some fear disappointing others. (Jn 12:42-43; 9:20-23) n They faced the Sanhedrin without fear of compromise. –They gave a simple lesson on authority. (Acts 4:17-21) n Sadly most “churches of Christ” have long since left any teaching on authority.
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They had to overcome pride. (Mk 10:39-45)
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They had to overcome pride. (Mk 10:39-45) n Knowledge is good. (2 Cor 8:1-2)
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They had to overcome pride. (Mk 10:39-45) n Knowledge is good. (2 Cor 8:1-2) n Consider positions of responsibility. (1 Tim 3:6)
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They had to overcome pride. (Mk 10:39-45) n Knowledge is good. (2 Cor 8:1-2) n Consider positions of responsibility. (1 Tim 3:6) n The apostle Paul needed help to avoid pride. (2 Cor 12:7)
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They learned patience and longsuffering. (2 Tim 2:24-26)
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They learned patience and longsuffering. (2 Tim 2:24-26) n They showed this even when dealing with their enemies. (Acts 3:17-19)
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They learned patience and longsuffering. (2 Tim 2:24-26) n They showed this even when dealing with their enemies. (Acts 3:17-19) n Many try to intimidate and run over another rather than to patiently teach.
They had learned to deal with their hearts n They learned patience and longsuffering. (2 Tim 2:24-26) n They showed this even when dealing with their enemies. (Acts 3:17-19) n Many try to intimidate and run over another rather than to patiently teach. n How long did Jesus work with these men until they developed? (Eph 4:31-32)
They knew what it meant to be tested n In their calling their heart was revealed. (Lk 5:27-28; 18:28-30)
They knew what it meant to be tested n In their calling their heart was revealed. (Lk 5:27-28; 18:28-30) n Look at how Jesus put them into difficult situations. (Lk 18:31-34)
They knew what it meant to be tested n In their calling their heart was revealed. (Lk 5:27-28; 18:28-30) n Look at how Jesus put them into difficult situations. (Lk 18:31-34) n Imagine hearing Jesus say this to you! (Jn 6:66-70)
They knew what it meant to be tested n Jesus knew that these situations will produce spiritual growth.
They knew what it meant to be tested n Jesus knew that these situations will produce spiritual growth. n Look at how they responded under pressure! (Acts 5:40-42)