@seesaw # Welcome! Feel free to join today’s presentation. Go to: /vnJBg4naF4ukti Jz Or scan the QR Code.
WELCOME to the 7 th Annual Partnership Conference for Educational Renewal! Stephanie Elementary Teacher Chester Park-COLT Chester County School District
SESSION OBJECTIVES ●To provide an overview of Blogging. ●To provide concrete examples in a variety of settings. ●To allow time for participants to set up their own Seesaw class or Blogger account. ●To brainstorm, discuss, and share out ideas for using blogs in the classroom.
QUESTION What do YOU want to know about blogs?
What is... ○Free web-based resource ○Digital journal/portfolio ○App is available on multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Kindle, Chrome web store) Seesaw compatibility FAQs
Photo with Drawing Second grade
Place your screenshot here Video Second grade
Photo, Audio, and Drawing Second grade
Place your screenshot here Photo with Audio Kindergarten
Place your screenshot here Drawing with Audio Kindergarten
Place your screenshot here Photo with Audio Third Grade
■Easy to use ■Great for primary elementary students ■Dispel the myth! Blogging is NOT just for upper grade students. ■SAMR Model Why use...
Let’s Check out
That’s the end of the demo! Any questions?
Now...Create Your Own Seesaw Class
Seesaw Next Steps Select Your Audience Create a class and get them connected. QR Code or accounts. Start Small Select one or two features to teach your students. Give them practice. Invite Parents Encouraging parents to join Seesaw Parent will help foster the home-school connection. Be Consistent Don’t just use it one time. Allow students multiple opportunities to use Seesaw. Try Using it in Various Ways Seesaw can be used across the curriculum. Be creative! Connect with Seesaw Use the available on Twitter
How Can Seesaw Be Used in Your Classroom Seesaw Help & Teacher Resources K-2 Ideas3-5 Ideas6-8 Ideas
That’s All Folks! Any questions?
CREDITS Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ◦Presentation template by SlidesCarnivalSlidesCarnival ◦Photographs by UnsplashUnsplash Presentation adapted from: ◦Sam ◦Susan