The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Chaucer’s Canterbury Pilgrims (1810) by William Blake. Engraving.


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The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Chaucer’s Canterbury Pilgrims (1810) by William Blake. Engraving.

If you went on a tour today, what types of people would you meet? Do you think you might come across a “character” or two? Chaucer’s characters are the kinds of people he would have known in real life and observed riding toward Canterbury on the old pilgrimage road. Many of his descriptions are stereotypes of typical medieval people. Take a Tour The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

English is a Melting Pot. Celtic Latin German French

Beowulf is Old English.Old English

Another Way of Looking at the History of English Old English Beowulf (from Beowulf!) “Gaæþ a wyrd swa hio scel” (OE) = “Fate goes ever as it must” (MnE) Middle English Chaucer (from CT) “Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote... ” (ME) = “When that April with its sweet showers...” (MnE) Early Modern English Shakespeare (from KL) “Sir, I loue you more than words can weild ye matter” (EMnE) = “Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter” (MnE) Modern English present Austen (from P&P) It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. OE=Old English ME=Middle English EMnE=Early Modern English MnE=Modern English

Middle English  The most important text of Middle English is Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.  Chaucer used the East Midland dialect of Middle English. This dialect was the most common colloquial language at the time and became the basis for modern English.

Language of Middle Ages  At the time, the language of literature, science, government and religion was Latin and French  Poets did not compose in English – it was considered the language of the lower classes  Chaucer was the first poet to compose in the vernacular (language of the people)

Language Continued He wrote in Middle English using the heroic couplet, a pair of rhyming lines with five stressed syllables (iambic pentameter). Chaucer was the first person to use iambic pentameter in the English language!

The late fourteenth century world was still very much one of the spoken word. Books were copied out by hand and were a rare luxury till the advent of the printing press 70 years later. The educated elite could read, but they preferred to hear texts read out loud for entertainment. The Canterbury Tales, with their earthy humor and and vivid dialogue, were a runaway success.

The Medieval Time Period  Begins with the Norman Invasion by William Duke of Normandy—conquered the Saxons and the Danes defeating King Harold II  Result: Old English was flooded with French words  Period ends with the War of the Roses

Just a little bit about Medieval times…. mVcB2k Dirty Jobs Black Plague

Geoffrey Chaucer  Considered the father of English poetry  Wrote in the vernacular (language of the people)  Served as a soldier, government servant, and member of Parliament  Introduced iambic pentameter  First writer buried in Westminster Abbey

Chaucer  Son of a merchant in a middle class household  He became the page in a royal house, then a soldier, and eventually a diplomat and royal clerk  Married a lady-in-waiting to the queen  Began writing in his 20s  He was considered the greatest English poet during his life  Chaucer is buried in Westminster Abbey

Chaucer  Son of vintner; chaussier is French for maker of footwear  Held civil service positions Served under three kings (Edward III, Richard II, Henry IV  Read English, Latin, Italian, and French  Died October 25, 1400; buried at Poets’ Corner at Westminster Abbey

Images of Chaucer

The beginning of a Pilgrimage  A pilgrimage is a journey of spiritual significance to a holy shrine or location of significance to a person’s faith.  Many religions still partake in pilgrimages, including Christians and Muslims.  The pilgrimage began with the brutal murder of St. Thomas Becket.

But why go to Canterbury? xwJk

One Answer: Religion. Why was it important to them?  It’s the Middle Ages Plague Warfare High Infant Mortality Rate Short Life Expectancy …and if you were a peasant, you lived your whole life in harsh conditions  About the best thing that you had to look forward to was dying and going to heaven

People of all classes went on pilgrimages to holy sites to ask for help with medical, financial or other problems.

The Shrine of St. Thomas à Becket

Becket was a trusted adviser and friend of King Henry II. Henry named Becket Archbishop of Canterbury.

Becket’s outspoken style angered the King. One day, Henry complained, “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Three knights rode to Canterbury where they found Becket at the altar of Canterbury Cathedral.

Becket was murdered at the altar.

The death of Becket angered the peasants who felt his Saxon heritage made him one of them.

Canterbury Cathedral became a site for pilgrims to offer prayers to St. Thomas.

Today, a modern cross made from swords marks the site of the martyrdom.

Canterbury Tales A Prologue followed by a series of stories and linking dialogues and commentaries 29 pilgrims would each tell 1 story going there and 1 stories coming home Chaucer died before completing the work

 An actual page from The Canterbury Tales  Many of the books from this time are Illuminated Manuscripts

Essential Terms and information  Direct Characterization – Direct statements about a character, such as saying the Knight “followed chivalry,/ Truth, honor…”  Indirect Characterization – Uses thoughts, actions, and dialogue to reveal a character’s personality. For example, saying “he was not gaily dressed” implies the Knight is not vain

The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales Literary Focus: Characterization Chaucer uses direct characterization, when he comes right out and tells us what a character’s nature is—virtuous, vain, clever, and so on. There was a Friar, a wanton one and merry, A Limiter, a very festive fellow. In all Four Orders there was none so mellow, So glib with gallant phrase and well-turned speech.

This yeoman wore a coat and hood of green, And peacock-feathered arrows, bright and keen Chaucer uses indirect characterization when he tells how each character The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales Literary Focus: Characterization looks and dresses Her greatest oath was only “By St. Loy!” speaks and acts And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach. thinks and feels

Indirect Characterization describes them by :  Their jobs (level in the estate)  The type and color of their clothing  Their “accessories” (jewelry, pets, other portables)  The way they act (humble or haughty) and how others react to them  Their income and how it shows  Their “secrets”  Their status in society as a whole  The way they speak / their slang or accent  Their modes of transportation  Whether they behave corruptly

Essential Terms and information  Social Commentary – Writing that offers insight into society, its values, and its customs  Anecdote – A brief story  Frame Story – A story that is framed by another story

The Journey

Canterbury Tales as Satire  A satire is a form of humor where the writer or speaker tries to make the reader or listener have a negative opinion about someone, by laughing at them, making them seem ridiculous or foolish etc.negative  If someone is being satirical, their aim is not just to amuse, but to affect the person that they dislike; to hurt them, ruin them, etc.

Two Types of Satire  Juvenalian – Formal satire in which the speaker attacks vice and error with contempt and harsh judgment. (Serious – Critical)  Horatian – Satire in which the voice is amazed and witty. The speaker holds up to gentle ridicule the absurdities and follies of human beings, aiming at producing in the reader, not the anger of a Juvenal, but a wry smile. (Light – Funny)

Medieval Class Structure  The Canterbury Tales includes characters from all levels of society  Each character tells a tale that is related to their place in society and/or personalities

The Journey  As the pilgrims prepare for the journey, the host of the Inn sets a challenge: Each pilgrim is to tell 2 stories (one on the way to Canterbury and one on the way home). The person who tells the best tale will be treated to a feast hosted by the other pilgrims.

The Journey Begins  Chaucer uses a religious pilgrimage to display all segments of Medieval Society.  The story begins with The Prologue Narrator, presumably, Chaucer, meets 29 other pilgrims at The Tabard Inn, located in London.

So, let’s travel back to London, to the area called Southward, and stop at the Tabard Inn.

We’ll meet the characters and hear their stories.

The story begins... st=PLFM2U6J6u5w2Ye9L5lGx7kknNZYlj0no8

Canterbury Tales 1 Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote When April with its sweet-smelling showers 2 The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, Has pierced the drought of March to the root, 3. And bathed every veyne in swich licour And bathed every vein (of the plants) in such liquid 4. Of which vertu engendred is the flour; By the power of which the flower is created; 5. Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth When the West Wind also with its sweet breath, 6. Inspired hath in every holt and heeth In every holt and heath, has breathed life into 7. The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne The tender crops, and the young sun 8. Hath in the Ram his half cours yronne, Has run its half course in Aries, 9. And smale foweles maken melodye, And small fowls make melody, 10 That slepen al the nyght with open ye Those that sleep all the night with open eyes 11 (So priketh hem Nature in hir corages), (So Nature incites them in their hearts), 12 Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages, Then folk long to go on pilgrimages, 13 And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes, And professional pilgrims (long) to seek foreign shores, 14 To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes; To (go to) distant shrines, known in various lands; 15 And specially from every shires ende And specially from every shire's end 16 Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende, Of England to Canterbury they travel, 17 The hooly blisful martir for to seke, To seek the holy blessed martyr, 18 That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke. Who helped them when they were sick.

Group Activity  Choose a group of 3 or less (5 points will be deducted for additional group members; no credit will be given to groups with identical answers)  Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Identify 3 main social groups in American Society? ○ Ex: White Collar Workers 2. Create a list of ‘archetypes’ for each social group. (You must have 5-7 people / professions for each group) ○ Ex: CEO 3. Choose one ‘archetype’ (person / profession) from a group to characterize ○ You must have 5-10 sentences that clearly characterize your ‘archetype’ by pointing out their flaws / positive traits through the use of humor / vivid description. ○ Your overall description of each ‘archetype’ must reveal an issue related to its corresponding class ○ Ex: Describe their appearance should relate to message (Ex: gluttonous =  large presence)  Describe clothing and possessions (Ex: greedy = expensive name  brands, jewelry, car, etc…)  Describe mannerisms (Ex: arrogant = walk tall, loud, rude, …)  Describe back story (Ex: fake = lots of money but in credit card debt,  insider trading charges, …) 4. Write the class issue you are highlighting under your ‘archetype’s’ description ○ Ex: Unequal distribution of wealth within companies, corruption of the upper class, materialism, …) 5. Construct a cartoon sketch of your ‘archetype’ that matches your description

Stereotypes  With a partner brainstorm a list of stereotypes (KEEP IT CLEAN AND APPROPRIATE!)  Select one.  One your paper, sketch a quick picture of your stereotype.  Write down some information about your stereotype: What do they look like How do they speak How do they dress Generally a positive stereotype or negative?  Translate your stereotype into medieval society. Would he/she be in the upper class? Lower class? What job (if they had one) might your person have? Reference your Canterbury Tales packet.