Directional Valves
Spool Valves Bonded Spool Design Provides a positive seal
Spool Valves Overlap Design Can be shifted with only a solenoid
Spool Valves O-ring Design O-rings are fitted inside grooves in the spool or body
Spool Valves O-ring Design O-rings are fitted inside grooves in the spool or body
Spool Valves O-ring Design O-rings are fitted inside grooves in the spool or body
Spool Valves O-ring Design O-rings are fitted inside grooves in the spool or body
Spool Valves O-ring Design O-rings are fitted inside grooves in the spool or body
Solenoid Operated Spool Valves
Solenoid Failures The plunger can bind or stick when energized The valve spool may stick due to contamination Low Voltage Over Voltage Cycling Rate High Ambient Temperature Energizing both Solenoids at the same time
Checking the Solenoid When operating properly, the housing should be warm A bad solenoid will have a burnt smell Check the solenoid with an ohmmeter For a 110V Solenoid, about 50 ohms or less but not 0 ohms. 0 ohms means the solenoid is shorted Infinity means the solenoid is open
Solenoid Operated Poppet Valve
Solenoid Operated Poppet Valve
Solenoid Operated Poppet Valve
Solenoid Operated Poppet Valve
Two Position, Two Way Valves
Two Position, Two Way Valves
Two Position, Two Way Valves
Two Position, Two Way Valves
Two Position, Two Way Valves
Two Position, Two Way Valves
Two Position, Three Way Valves
Two Position, Three Way Valves
Two Position, Three Way Valves
Two Position, Four Way Valves
Two Position, Four Way Valves
Two Position, Five Way Valves
Two Position, Five Way Valves
Five Way Valves Used as Two Way Valves Normally Open Normally Closed
Five Way Valves Used as Three Way Valves Normally Open Normally Closed
Double Solenoid Valves Detent
Double Solenoid Valves Three Position, Closed Center
Double Solenoid Valves Three Position, Closed Center
Double Solenoid Valves Three Position, Float Center
Double Solenoid Valves Three Position, Float Center
Solenoid Controlled, Air Piloted Poppet Valves
Solenoid Controlled, Air Piloted Poppet Valves
Solenoid Controlled, Air Piloted Poppet Valves
Solenoid Controlled, Air Piloted Poppet Valves Internally Piloted Externally Piloted
Valve Actuators Solenoid Manual Palm Button
Valve Actuators Manual Lever Cam Roller Foot Pedal Remote Air Pilot
Valve Actuators Solenoid Controlled, Internally Air Piloted Proportional Servo Detent
Troubleshooting Directional Valves and Cylinders
Troubleshooting Directional Valves and Cylinders Directional Valve Testing Over time, tolerances can increase due to o-ring wear Shift the valve to extend the cylinder and maintain in the shifted position If air is exhausting out of the valve, then the valve is excessively worn