REPUBLIC ACT 9239 OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003 GOAL: = To ensure PROTECTION and PROMOTION of Intellectual Property Rights from unregulated: Mastering Manufacturing Replication Importation and Exportation Reference: Republic Act 9239. (2004, January 1). . Retrieved , from
ACQUISITION – act or acquiring or processing manufacturing equipment REPUBLIC ACT 9239 OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003 TERMS: ACQUISITION – act or acquiring or processing manufacturing equipment DUPLICATION – act or business of reproducing analog or digital content in any recordable media EXPORTATION – act or business of bringing OUT of the country optical media IMPORTATION – act or business of bringing INTO the country optical media Reference: RULES AND REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9239, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE " OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003". (2008, January 1). . Retrieved , from
MANUFACTURE – act or business of producing optical media or device TERMS: MASTERING – act or business of producing a stamper intended to manufacture an optical media MANUFACTURE – act or business of producing optical media or device REPLICATION – the process of manufacturing optical media by reproducing or generating copies of stamper Reference: RULES AND REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9239, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE " OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003". (2008, January 1). . Retrieved , from
How can Government sustain legality in optical media business? By: REPUBLIC ACT 9239 OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003 How can Government sustain legality in optical media business? By: REGISTRATION LICENSING From OPTICAL MEDIA BOARD Reference: Republic Act 9239. (2014, January 1). . Retrieved , from
OPTIC MEDIA BOARD 4 Officio Members: 5 Regular Members: Secretary of DTI -3 Reps from Private Sector Secretary of DILG -1 Rep from Consumer Organization -Secretary of DOF -1 Rep from Academe -Director General of Intellectual Property Office
(one of the many stipulated corresponding penalties) REPUBLIC ACT 9239 OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003 Tormenting Penalty (one of the many stipulated corresponding penalties) -Imprisonment of at least three (3) years but not more than six (6) years, and a fine of not less than Five Hundred thousand pesos (Php 500,000.00) but not exceeding One Million five hundred thousand pesos (Php 1,500,000.00), at the discretion of the Court, shall be imposed on any person, natural or juridical. Reference: Republic Act 9239. (n.d.). . Retrieved , from
“We need more enforcement than we need new laws.” by R391 REPUBLIC ACT 9239 OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003 People’s Reaction “the bill, known as the Optical Media Act, is a part of a cooperative effort against intellectual piracy between the Philippines and the United States” Jose de Venecia, House Speaker “If those businessmen make their stuff just as cheap as the pirated ones, well and good!”by A.S “We need more enforcement than we need new laws.” by R391 “And I thought we had our independence from America in 1946...tsk..tsk.... That's why I'll never vote for that fawning Am-girl GMA Oh yeah, MASUSUNOD BA YAN? we already have an anti-piracy law and pirated products still proliferate. “ by R.A Reference: PHILIPPINE LAWMAKERS HAIL SIGNING OF ANTI-PIRACY BILL. (2004, January 1). . Retrieved , from
“when you make a pirated movie or a dvd, you do not only a cd, you are KILLING an industry” --- Dennis Pinlac, Executive Director of OMB “A burner can produce 15-17 DVD’s per minute” Marisol Abdhuraman “it is now in a form of a Guerrilla”– Ronnie Rickets, Chairman of OMB
OTHER LAWS: RA 8293- Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines RA 7916 – Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 RA 8792 – Electronic Commerce Act RA 10088 – Anti-Camcording Act
“thou shall not STEAL” REPUBLIC ACT 9239 OPTICAL MEDIA ACT OF 2003 From 10 commandments