The world’s most populous nation; nearly 1.3 billion people. It is the world’s largest communist country. – Other communist countries include North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba.
Because China is now beginning to embrace capitalism, they are becoming a powerful economy.
Economic In spite of their new economic power, it still takes half of its population to produce its food supply. – Much of the work is still done by hand. (US comparison- farming, forestry, and fishing= 2.5%)
Political History Prior to 1949, China was a monarchy. The Chinese Nationalist Party supported the monarchy. The Chinese communist party defeated this group in 1949, after 40 years of civil turmoil.
Fearing for their safety, many of the Chinese Nationalists fled to Taiwan, an island off the coast of China. – The people of Taiwan would like to become an independent nation. – Since 1949 they have been protected from the communist government of China by the United States.
Taiwan, which was part of China, and established a new government. This new “Country” was quickly supported and protected by the USA. (Mainly because of their opposition to communism.)
While the US does not officially recognize Taiwan as an independent country it still defends Taiwan from Chinese aggression. Taiwan has developed into a western-style culture.
Confucianism Follows the teachings of Confucius, a philosopher who lived between 511 and 479 BC. He was concerned with how people got along with each other.
Beliefs: 1.The cure for problems of society was moral, ethical behavior. 2.He rejected all that was violent, strange, or supernatural.
Beliefs 3.He believed that in an ideal society the people would love, respect and obey the Emperor. 4.He believed that government leaders should be selected on the basis of competence.
Taoism Taoism- Pronounced “DOW-ism”. Unlike other religions, Taoism has no founder. Taoism is concerned with the spiritual nature of a person, (the inner self).
Taoists beliefs Taoists believe that the natural world is just a sign of a greater universal force. – This unseen force is called Tao. Taoist do not worship a god but seek to be in harmony with Tao. Taoism involves the intellectual, spiritual and physical lives of its followers. – Learning, meditating, eating well and exercise are all parts of Taoism.
The Tao Te Ching is a collection of Taoist teachings – It probably has many authors.
BUDDHISM Follows the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, ( BC). He was the Buddha. Siddhartha was from India, however, Buddhism known as the “Four Noble Truths”
“Four Noble Truths” 1.Life is suffering. Human existence is painful from birth to death. 2.All suffering is caused by ignorance of reality. Human cravings and attachment to people and things cause suffering.
3.Overcoming ignorance and attachment can end suffering. 4.The path of the suppression of suffering is the “Eightfold Path”; Right intention, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood, Right effort.
Buddhism Video BUDDHISM 1. Into what religion was Siddhartha Gautama born? 2. What was the reason Siddhartha decided to leave home and become a sadhu? 3. What is karma? 4. How were the teachings of the Buddha preserved after his death? 5. What is the difference between the two main branches of Buddhism? 6. What is one of the reasons many young men in Thailand become monks? 7. How is the community of monks supported? 8. What do the monks give in return for their support? 9. What does their religion provide for some Buddhists? 10. What is your understanding of what it means to be a Buddhist?
Resistance to Communism 1989
China’s Big Problems Providing food for its very large populati on.
Beijing The capital of China. – This city is over 3000 years old. Contains the Forbidden City, which was the royal place of the emperor. – (It is now a museum.)
Tibet A large region of Western China that was once ruled by the Dalai Lama. – He was the leader of the Tibetans who practiced Lamaism, a form of Buddhism. The Dalai Lama has lived in exile in India since the communist take-over of Tibet in the 1950s. – He travels the world seeking support for his quest to restore Tibet’s independence.