Think about it… Does an organism get larger because each cell increases in size or because it produces more of them?
Why cells need to be small - - Would the size of Munster’s library be adequate in Chicago? NO… not enough info to go around! - -
Division of the Cell Cell Division – - -
Asexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction – - For many single celled organisms, cell division is the only form of reproduction. -
Asexual Reproduction -. Ex: Hydra
Sexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction – - - Most animals and plants and some single-celled organisms. -
What happens when you are done growing? Does cell division STOP?
Chromosomes Chromosome = - - Even small cells like E-Coli have A LOT of DNA Total amount of DNA = 1.6mm 1,000 times longer than the cell! - -
Prokaryotic Chromosomes ------
Eukaryotic Chromosomes - The number of chromosomes depends on the organism. Fruit flies = 8 chromosomes per cell Human cells = 46 chromosomes per cell Carrot cells = 18 chromosomes per cell Dog cells = 78 chromosomes per cell
- Histones = - Chromatin = - -
The Cell Cycle - - Prokaryotic Cell Cycle - Results in the production of 2 genetically identical daughter cells
Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Consists of 4 phases - Interphase – - G1 S G2 G1phase = - S phase = - G2 = - M phase = - 2 main stages: -
Mitosis Mitosis – - Four phases - Depending on the cell mitosis can last a few minutes to several days
Prophase The first phase of mitosis Usually the longest phase What happens during prophase? -
Metaphase Second phase in mitosis Generally the shortest phase What happens during metaphase? -
Anaphase 3 rd phase of mitosis What happens during anaphase? -
Telophase The fourth phase of mitosis What happens during telophase? -
Cytokinesis Cytokinesis = - -
Animal Verse Plant Cytokinesis - Anchored to membrane - Vesicles with wall building contents in middle - AnimalPlant