14-19 Funding But if funding follows the learner, how does this pay for provision? More required…. £251m in 09/10 and £404m in 10/11 for 54.5k places £70m for 17.5k apprentices 53% Colleges (+7%) 31% Schools (+0.5%) 10 % Appren (+7.5%) 3% E2E (+5.5%) £38m for 13k E2E learners 3% LLDD (+8.3%) funding in 09/10 £6.69bn (+4.9%) After heavy lobbying the Treasury allocated extra funding for 2009/10 in May Dedicated Schools Grant Learner-responsive 19+ Learner-responsive Not a single funding phase:
LR funding Standard Learner Numbers (SLN) X National Funding Rate (NFR) Provider Factor (PF) Additional Learning Support (ALS) Funding X + = Learner-responsive funding is an enrolment based formula, although it is applied the same way for allocations Example funding for an AS level qualification in 09/ SLN GLH / 450 = SLN X £2,920 NFR PF £0 ALS £1,093 X + = Example for an allocation 3,123 SLNs X £2,920 NFR PF £500,000 ALS£10,740,817 X + =
ER funding (Apprenticeships) LR Provider factor Calculated for 09/10 based on your full-year 07/08 data (ILR) Programme weighting X Disadvantage Uplift Area costs uplift Short programme modifier X x Success Factor Provider Factor x = Standard Learner Numbers X National Funding Rate Programme weighting Area Cost Uplift Funding X X = Disadvantage uplift X Framework of enrolments Monthly payments on actual 75% on-programme and 25% on achievement
Success factor simplifies and terrifies Replaced 3 funding census dates and achievement factor Success Factor = Weighted average success rate = 80% for College X = 0% for College Y 2 Although historical, think of this as 50% lost if a learner does not finish and achieve Learners Income lost Success rate Target group size of 16 at £5k each (£80k income budget) Do staff know the impact class size, retention and achievement have on income? Budget missed by 31%! Next allocation cut by 31%? 14 start£10k 2 leave within first 6 weeks 79% retention £7.5k 3 more do not finish 57%£25k8 succeed 73% achieve £7.5k 3 finish but don’t pass
‘Harmonisation’ Keep an eye on this word, as it is may be applied in a variety of places Success rate and funding rules School and College funding rates Finally, check out my unofficial funding guide at School and College performance measures and funding methodology
Any questions?