Level 3 CYPW Unit 67 Professional Practice in early years settings Tutors; Karen Sendall & Dorota Thurlow
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Aims and Objectives Session Aim: Understand how to apply professional practice in early years settings Core objectives: By the end of the session & homework all learners should be able to: Understand the scope and purposes of the early years sector. Understand current policies and influences on the early years sector. Be able to support diversity, inclusion and participation in early years settings. Review own practice in promoting diversity, inclusion and participation in early years settings Most learners will also be able to: Use reflection as a tool for improving our practice
Norfolk County Council Equality of Opportunity Statement It is a fundamental principle of our policies that all people are equally valued regardless of their gender, age, disabilities, race, ethnic origin, language, religion or sexual orientation. We are, therefore, committed to promote equality of opportunity by: ensuring that services are equally accessible and relevant to the needs of different user groups; and the use of appropriate recruitment and employment practices and procedures. We will use our influence to promote understanding and harmony between people. We will work with other agencies and organisations in seeking to eliminate discrimination, harassment and attacks on any group or individual. We will monitor the effectiveness of what we do in these areas and continuously seek to improve our performance.
Recap last lesson....one word!
Supporting diversity, inclusion and participation – Unit 53/54 How can a nursery ensure is books and music resources promote diversity? How can a workplace crèche ensure a child in a wheelchair is fully included? How does a pre-school ensure its services reflect the needs of a diverse community? L.O – 3.1 a,b,c
In what ways can society be discriminatory? L.O - 3.2
What are the types of discrimination and its impact? How would I do things differently? L.O 3.2 – WS1 The nursery provides translations of its written communications in Urdu and Gujarati, but not in Polish. There are two new Polish children starting at the nursery. In trying to be inclusive, practitioner Jenny regularly promotes and celebrates Mei Yau and Jung Mai’s Chinese heritage. Some of the other children feel unnoticed. Leanne is making father’s day cards with the children. Katarina, 4, has two mothers. Leanne feels Katarina should make the card anyway so as not to be seen to be getting ‘special treatment’. Manager Kelly researches participation at her nursery, and finds that take-up from black families is low. She is concerned but too busy to do anything about it. Chelsea is cared for by her grandparents. The other children tease her and say her mummy and daddy are really ‘old’. Gabriel’s mother is visually impaired. Practitioner Olivia tries to ‘help’ her by steering her through doors, talking loudly and repeating things other adults say.
Evidence based practice – Ass 13 L.O What is evidence based practice? How does this lead to positive outcomes for children?
Worksheet 2 L.O 4.3
What is reflective practice? – Ass 13 How do you do this in your setting? As a team member and as an individual? Why do we do it? what can we gain from it? L.O – 4.1 How? Where? Why? What? When?
Inclusive practice – Ass 13 Inclusion checklist - - Also available on Moodle!.... Unit 67 L.O 4.2, Unit 52 L.O 5.2