Promoting Travellers and Roma Inclusion in SICAP Presented by : Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre 4 th May 2016
Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre National NGO Partnership Organisation Recognise Travellers as a minority ethnic group Racism Traveller Self-Determination Community Development Approach Human Rights & Equality Programmes Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
Context Travellers experience high levels of racism & discrimination as manifested in: Accommodation Education Employment Health Racism is: Both individual and institutional Direct and indirect Intentional and unintentional Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
Community Participation a process through which Travellers will gain more control over the social, political, economic and environmental factors that will improve their status in Irish society. at every stage of development: identifying needs developing policy and implementing activities to address needs monitoring and evaluating results. Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
EU & National Policy Context EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies - up to 2020 Aim - to tackle marginalisation & poor socio-economic conditions through coordinated action at national & EU level. Member states required to draw up National Integration Strategy with targets in education employment health housing - allow for sufficient funding to deliver
NTRIS National Traveller & Roma Inclusion Strategy (NTRIS) Steering Group (DJE) ensure a revised NTRIS by mid Consultations - Priority themes & specific objectives identified - Phase 1 & 2 Measurable actions / timescales for achievement of objectives -Phase 3
LCDP / SICAP 2007 LDSIP, Travellers constituted 1% beneficiaries 2011 LCDP, Travellers were less than 1% beneficiaries 2015 (10mths) SICAP, 10 of of 561 actions had Travellers & Roma as the primary target group % These actions were delivered by only 5 Programme Implementers out of 50. Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
Impact of Austerity Cuts on Travellers, Traveller Projects & Services, Brian Harvey Report Interagency activities -100% Traveller education-86% Traveller accommodation -85% National Traveller organizations -63.6% FAS SIT-50% National Traveller Partnership -32.1% Traveller SPY youth projects -29.8% Health-05.1%
Spend Rates Spend Unspent Health82%18% Equality72%28% Accommodation64%36% FÁS SIT60%40%
Equality Proofing “An integral and systematic approach to ensure that discriminated groups are provided with the necessary means and resources to participate in society as equal citizens” NESF: Equality Proofing Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
Mechanisms for Equality Proofing Development of Equality Proofing Framework Ethnic Equality Monitoring – Ethnic Identifier/Data collection, disaggregation, analysis and dissemination Equality Proofing related policies / IHREC Postive Duty In-service training and Anti-racist Code of Practice Participation of Minority Ethnic Groups (& organisations working with MEG), in policy development & review Partnership and Inter-sectoral approach Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
Step by step guide to ensuring Traveller Inclusion Identifying the local Traveller population Assessing the inclusiveness of your service Mapping Travellers service engagement and develop an Area Action Plan Involving Travellers in assessing their needs Supporting Traveller to develop / sustain independent organisations Facilitating & Sustaining Traveller engagement in your service Targeted interventions plus Mainstreaming Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
Creating a culture that promotes equality Leadership 1.Commitment from Board level 2.Demonstrated in mission statement/aims of the organisation, annual reports and other public documents 3.Resources made available to take actions 4.Sustained support for building Traveller & Roma led organisations Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre