Creating an Inclusive Workplace Julie Comb Corporate Lead Workforce Jo Richmond Neighbourhoods and Community Cohesion Manager 22 July 2015
‘Everyone Different, Everyone Matters’ Calderdale Council Inclusive Workplace – fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy are promoted and are part of our everyday goals and behaviours Managing diversity is a conscious choice and commitment by us to have a workforce representative of our community and value these differences by using diversity as a source of strength to achieve our councils objectives Our definition: ‘Everyone Different, Everyone Matters’
Our Ethos Of Embedding Change A person’s attitude and mind-set are determined by what they assume to be true, which in turn creates their mind-set (second-order change). A person’s mind-set determines their behavior (first-order change). A person’s behavior generates the results they create. Create cultural change that spreads to communities, inequalities and stereotypes spread into the workplace from the wider society outside our doors and societal barriers to equality and human rights and inclusion can be amplified in the workplace Colleagues to learn more from about each other and pass this knowledge onto others,
Incorporating inclusive working, so far we have …… Attracted new talent through the FWP and external targeted recruitment campaigns with under – represented community groups Through apprentices increased Disability, BME, readdressing the balance of an ageing workforce Maintained Mindful Employer Status, achieved Bronze and ready for Silver IIP Standard, Weaved equality and diversity behaviours into our values Created a workforce diversity improvement action plan Created, extended and improved HR policies – Dignity & Respect, Transgender, made sure other polices are equality proofed Made equality, diversity and inclusion part of role profiles Achieved 154th place in the Stonewall Employer Index Recognised and embraced diverse skills through the FWP and targeted recruitment campaigns Clear health and safety policies with regular risk assessment and ergonomic checks to promote staff health and well being, HR policies which are proportionate to wearing religious dress or articles of faith Behaviours are within appraisal measures
Incorporating inclusive working, so far we have …… Work experience placements Encouraged employee networks and forums Rewarded talent and achievement rather than stereotypical indicators of success Acted on the results of ‘Our Voice’ Implemented ‘Living Wage’ Invested in LGBT Leadership Development Programme Mentoring and Coaching for all staff Weaved the inclusion lens through the Aspirational Leadership Development – encouraged and enabled development for all Trained 60% of staff in Equalities & Diversity Held Migration Yorkshire Conferences Included equality and human rights measures in procurement tenders
What's next? July Refresher Development for Contact Officers, HR & People Development team August Analyse who uses our services, make up of our customers and their needs & analysis of delegates ALP Analysis of who we employ from the highest level of multiple deprivation – Halifax Wards Park, Ovenden, Illingworth & Mixenden and Town Sept Apprentice Recruitment Drive Internal positive action for under-represented groups identify barriers Sept 2 hour espresso sessions Optimal Decision Making – unconscious bias Managing your Brand – bring your whole self to work Nov - Inclusion and Engagement Managers Conference – work with local Faith communities Dec - Values and Behaviours Diversity & Inclusion Theme In the pipeline Volunteering and Advocacy PREVENT workshops roll out Proactive equality practice our ‘Stars Awards’ Millenniums' and the future workforce