The children’s attainment for Key Stage One will be sent off to the local authority. This will be either… Working Towards the Expected Level Working At the Expected Level Working at a Greater Depth These judgements are based on a number of objectives from the Year 1 and Year 2 Curriculum.
Children’s evidence of meeting the required objectives in their work which has been collated since September. This will be a teacher judgement which could be moderated by the local authority. SATs tests will form part of this judgement but not solely.
Maths – Between April 11 th and April 22 nd (First two weeks after Easter) There will be 2 test papers – Arithmetic and Reasoning. The reasoning paper will be read to all children to ensure their ability to read does not affect their maths ability. Reading/SPAG – Any time during May. 2x reading papers 1 x Punctuation and Grammar 1 x spelling
We have been selected by the government to take the tests early. Many schools across the country have also been selected. It will help the government to set a benchmark for the tests. The children will be taking them nearly two months earlier than their final assessments are due. This will be taken into account when the final teacher judgement is given.
We will make sure the children do not know that they are taking the tests beforehand. We do not want to cause any stress or worry. Small groups of children (5 or 6 at a time) will be taken to the library. The children will be encouraged to do their best.
Make sure your child has had a good nights sleep the night before. Make sure your child has had breakfast. Let me know if there are any issues worrying your child or any reason that I could delay their testing. Please do not tell your children that they will be taking test. We do not want to cause unnecessary stress and worrying. Carry one reading, doing maths homework and practising spellings with your child.