শুভ নববর্ষ
মাহবুবুর রহমান সিদ্দিকী সহকারি শিক্ষক হাজীপাড়া সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় পরিচিতি
Sub : English Class: 5 Time: 40 minuts. Sub : English Class: 5 Time: 40 minuts. s
Learning outcomes 1.Students will be able to read this text with correct pronunciation. 2.Students will be able to write about Foodpyramid.
Pyramid cereals plenty moderately A structure with a triangular based. A grass producing an edible grain. A large amount of quantity medium Vocabulary
Look at the picture
Food pyramid
Fats, oils, sweets, etc Bread, cereals, rice, noodles, Potatoes. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Milk, cheese, yogut, meat, fish, beans, nuts. eggs Food pyramid
Vegetable Fruits Cereals Snaiks Fill in buskets with following things. tomato lichi biscuits singara banana pudding firni guavacheesnoodles Puffed rice pineapple sandwich eggplants orangecornflakes chapati/roti cake yogurt carrots Vegatable Cereals Fruits Snaiks
sweets breads Rice and chapati Vegeteble Milk cheese yogurt Fruits & vegetable Regularly moderately Very little Match left with write. Plenty
Write only the answer on the answer paper. 5*2=10 Health foods make our body--- a) lazy b) weak c) fit d) inactive 2.The food pyramid has --- groups of foods. a) three b) four c) five d) six 3.What kind of foods should we eat in plenty ? a) bread, rice, and potato b) milk, cheese, Yogurt c) sweets and oil d) cheese, Yogurt 4.We do not need too much of …… a) Vegetable b) rice c) fats d) meat 5. You are what --- a) You eat b) you smoke c) you read d) you write
Write a short composiion about “Food pyramid”. Home work