Spread of Protestantism
Thank Gutenberg! Johannes Gutenberg Printing press (with moveable type) Paper from Muslim traders Luther’s ideas spread quickly First with his 95 Theses New Testament printed in German
Ulrich Zwingli ( ) Swiss humanist and priest Attacked indulgences, monasticism, and priestly celibacy
Calvinism Originated by theologian John Calvin Belief in the absolute sovereignty of God No separation between church and state Insignificance of man Predestination Free-will did not exist Select few chosen for salvation, the rest for damnation Moral conduct served as signs of worthiness
John Calvin ( ) Born in France and studied law Also experienced a religious crisis Invited to Geneva to help reform the city No separation between church and state Consistory kept people from deviating from the doctrine
English Reformation
Reformation hits England Reformation starts differently in England Did not begin with religious figure Instead began with King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII Born Henry Tudor (1491) Succeeded his father as king at the age of 17 Married Catherine of Aragon in 1509 Harshly critical of Luther’s teachings
A Desperate King Henry in desperate need of a son Wanted to secure the Tudor dynasty Only child from Catherine was Mary Sought annulment from his marriage (avoiding divorce)
Clement VII refused to annul the marriage Feared Emperor Charles V (nephew of Catherine) Henry summoned Parliament Members influenced by Luther’s teachings Numerous legislations passed to weaken influence of church Eventually declared Church of England separate from Catholic church Henry made head of the church
Wives of Henry VIII Marriage to Anne did not end search for heir Still did not receive a son Executed under false charges of adultery Henry took four more wives Finally received son (Edward VI)
Anne Boleyn ( ) Beheaded Catherine of Aragon ( ) Divorced Jane Seymour ( ) Died Anne of Cleves (1540 Jan.-July) Divorced Kathryn Howard ( ) Executed Katherine Parr ( ) Widowed
Keeping Protestantism in England Constant battle between Catholicism and Protestantism Edward VI maintained legislations Sister Queen Mary rescinded these legislations …but her sister Elizabeth brought them back!
Eastern European Reformation More complicated due to numerous ethnicities In Bohemia, Czechs supported Jan Hus; Germans supported Luther ALSO have revival of Catholic faith Poland and Lithuania also diverse Conflict between monarchy and Germanized towns Nobility favored Calvinism Eventually will convert back to Catholicism by 1650