Introduction: Who am I? Camille Diaz EHS-HV
Born to be: Camille Diaz First Daughter of: Charmaine First Grandaughter of: Julio F and Carmen Z Date: 10/4/84 Time: 6:30PM Weight: 7.5 LBS. Height: 21 PLG.
Formational Years: Education Started my formal education in Carmen Z. Vega de Santos Elementary and Middle Public School where I graduated with High Honors. Continued to Bonifacio Sánchez Jiménez Public High School where I graduated with High Honors. Obtained a Ba.Ed. from the University of Puerto Rico in 2008 where I graduated with Honors. Member of the History and Archaeology Teachers Association. Member of the Teachers Association of Puerto Rico. Studied abroad at the University of Seville, Spain for a year. Where I finished History studies. Continued studies for a Second Ba. in Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Member of the Pre-Med Association.
Yesterday I was, Today I am: Worked as a Teacher for four year both in the private and public sectors at Puerto Rico. Taught grades Working as an Early Head Start Home Visitor in the state of Massachusetts.
Will hope to be: –A Supervisor for Early Head Start. –A Professor at a University. –This Masters in Education represents a gateway to having my future/near expectations realized and completed.
Quote: “Education is NOT the learning of FACTS but the TRAINING of the MIND to THINK.” -Albert Einstein