Topic/Objective: Analyzing the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany during the 1920’s-30’s. Essential Question: What were the causes and effects of fascism?
A Definition of Fascism Fascism – a political (government) philosophy Glorifies the country Strong ruler Aggressive form of nationalism – nation’s cause is to be advanced at all costs **country has absolute control over every aspect of everyone’s lives **no individuality **Italian word for “union of forces”
The Fasces Symbol Comes from the Latin word fasces. In ancient Rome, the fasces were cylindrical bundles of wooden rods, tied tightly together around an axe. They symbolize unity and power.
Italian Fascism
ITALY Didn’t get land wanted after WWI, economic downturn *** People looking for someone to save them *** Benito Mussolini – formed the Fascist party in Italy –Gained power – promised employment and to restore Italy to its greatness –Blackshirts – followers who attacked any political opponents –IL Duce – “The Leader” –Reorganized government, assaulted those who did not obey, built up armed forces
Benito Mussolini ( ) IL Duce – “The Leader”
The Characteristics of Fascism
Topic/Objective: Applying understanding of the 14 characteristics of fascism Essential Question: What are examples of the 14 characteristics of fascism in Nazi Germany and Italy?
1. Powerful Nationalism Nation comes first Powerful and continuing nationalism. Constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, etc. Flags are seen everywhere.
2. Disdain/Hatred for the Recognition of Human Rights Give up human rights for the country’s need – to protect the nation People look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, long incarcerations of prisoners, assassinations, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies or Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe. A scapegoat – someone to blame!
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Extreme Sexism Almost exclusively male-dominated. Divorce, abortion & homosexuality are suppressed. Tax on bachelors
Emphasis on Physical Fitness
6. Controlled Mass Media Internet, radio, television, newspaper, magazines are controlled Positive viewpoints about govt
7. Obsession with National Security Fear is a motivational tool – people are told constantly that they are in danger, so that they will obey It uses organized violence to suppress opposition. Glorification of force. Accepts the ideas of Social Darwinism.
8. Religion & Government Are Intertwined Fascist governments tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. They meld religious doctrine, symbolism, mythology, etc., into their policies
9. Corporate Power is Protected 10. Labor Power is Suppressed Rich businessmen and fascist leaders work together Labor unions are eliminated
11. Educated People and the Arts are Hated Open hostility to higher education and academia is promoted. Professors and other academics are censored or arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment Police are given limitless power
13. Cronyism & Corruption Fascist leaders put friends and relatives in high government positions. National resources and even treasures can be outright stolen by government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections Sometimes elections are a complete sham. Other times, elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates.
Fascism Booklet Project Individually or with a partner, create a booklet that illustrates the 14 characteristics of fascism. For each page include: The characteristic of fascism An example from either Nazi Germany or Italy A visual Your booklet will be due on Monday
Mussolini Was Hitler’s Role Model
Germany’s economic problems – inflation (money worthless), heavy payments due to defeat (compensation) – America gives $200 million in loans
Early life – Born in Austria, failed as artist, high school dropout, won Iron Cross 2x in army during WWI Nazi Party – National Socialist Workers’ Party – conservative political group – Beliefs – Treaty of Versailles is wrong, formed German fascism (Nazism), adopted swastika as symbol – Brownshirts – private army of young veterans and street thugs
1st attempt to seize power – failed and was arrested, received five years, served less than 9 months – Mein Kampf – Hitler’s book Germans not responsible for losing war vowed to regain lost land blamed Jews, Gypsies, Slavs for losing Germans “Aryans” were a master race – others inferior or subhuman Germany is overcrowded and needs space – expand and kill inferiors “My Struggle”
Hitler became chancellor of Germany – named by President – thought he could use Hitler for own purposes – Won election – stirred up fear of communism, called for elections, people turned to Hitler to help with economic depression
3rd Reich (Third Empire) Named “Der Fuhrer” (the leader) Restored military might – ordered factories to make weapons Ignored Treaty of Versailles Brought arts under his control and imposed his ideas Used press, radio, and movies as Nazi propaganda Stressed importance of a strong military and devotion to nation and leader Organizations to mold youth into Nazis
“The youth must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness or tenderness in it. I intend to have an athletic youth--that is the first and the chief thing... I will have no intellectual training. Knowledge is ruin to my young men." By 1939, about 90% of the "Aryan" children in Germany belonged to Nazi youth groups. The Nazis indoctrinated boys and girls in their duties to the state from a young age. They sacrifice all for the people....Race, military training, leadership, religion! These are the four unshakable foundations of the new German National Socialist education!
Youth serves the Fuhrer All 10 year olds join the Hitler youth
Pictures from elementary school textbooks
3rd Reich (Third Empire) Turned Germany into a totalitarian state SS – protection squad Anti-Semitism – Hatred of Jews – used as scapegoats for Germany’s troubles Nuremberg Laws – no citizenship, can’t hold public office, barred students from schools Kristallnacht – Night of the Broken Glass – November 9 and 10, 1938 – Nazi members attacked Jews on the streets and vandalized Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues – Secret police, Gestapo, arrested Jews – some shot, others sent to concentration camps (prison camps)