Compiling and Exploiting a Learner Corpus to Improve Academic Writing Norbert G. Berger K.F.University Graz / ELC, University of Exeter Dissertanten Seminar Univ. Prof. Bernhard Kettemann WS 2003/4,
Compiling and Exploiting Learner Corpus to Improve Academic Writing 1.Introduction, rationale (5 mins) 2.Explaining process of student and teacher work (10 mins) 3.Showing sample stats & data processing (5 mins) 4.Identifying assumptions and areas to study (5 mins) 5.Showing analysis of some data (10 mins) 6.Discussion and schedule (10 mins)
The Learner Corpus: First draft, feedback and final version
Student and Teacher work-flow
Statistics: Kommetter 1st (338) and final (115) Vocabulary mistake 8121 Unclear 739 Phrase construction 273 Prepositions 208 Use of source material 182 Article 1615 Number of noun 15 Verb tense 910
Aggregating statistics Markin can generate statistics from multiple files.
Some assumptions
Presessional projects 2003
Presessional 2002 projects & writing
Austrian students 2002
What next? Detailed analysis of some points of interest. Applying results to teaching and self- study materials