Research Analysis Saliha Bava, PhD Taos-Tilburg Research Topic Call October 1, 2009 Contact: A way to organize & make sense
Forms of Analysis Quantitative Quantitative Qualitative Qualitative
Data Management Material Planning & Management Where & how will you get & record the data? How will you organize & store the material for retrieval & referencing? Time Planning & Management When will you get the data? When will you read it? When will you make sense of the material you get? Idea Development & Management How will you track ideas as you read & discuss? How will you make sense of your data? When will you develop an outline for your reporting/writing? What criteria will you use to pull together your ideas & data or analysis?
The Y of the How Literature & others Your Personal/ Professional Experiences Your Research & Participant’s Experiences Adapted from : Chenail & Maione, 1997:
Homework Read the article “Sensemaking in Clinical Qualitative Research” 1/sense.html Read the article “Sensemaking in Clinical Qualitative Research” 1/sense.html 1/sense.html 1/sense.html While reading substitute language While reading substitute language practitioner for clinician or therapist practitioner for clinician or therapist your practice for clinical your practice for clinical
Analysis of Meaning Condensation Condensation Categorization Categorization Narrative Narrative Interpretation Interpretation Ad hoc Ad hocKvale,1996
A Visual…
Types of Thematic Categories Genres** Anomaly Anomaly Gaps Gaps Ironies/paradoxes Ironies/paradoxes Deconstructive Deconstructive Debates Debates ** Adapted: Nespor, 1997
Discussion Questions? Questions? Comments? Comments? Suggestions? Suggestions?