020 Endocrine System Objectives: PITUITARY GLAND (HYPOPHYSIS) - SLIDE 159 SLIDE 158 M ake sure you can identify the main features of this gland using slide 159. Q 1. Identify A, B, C and D. A ……………………… B……………………… C……………………… D……………………… Q 2. From which germ cell layers do B and D develop? Q 3. Name the principal secretory products of … B ………………………………… ………………………………… C ………………………………… D ………………………………… ………………………………… View Slide 158 under high power and list the main histological features of the anterior and posterior pituitary To describe the gross structure of the pituitary gland and be able to identify the pars nervosa, pars intermedia and pars distalis. 2. Identify and describe the histological features of the pars nervosa and pars distalis and be able to relate these features to the different modes of hormone secretion. 3. Identify and describe the histological features of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. 4. Identify and describe the histological features of the pancreatic Islets of Langerhans. 5, Identify and describe the histological features of the adrenal gland; in particular the different regions of the adrenal cortex. A B C D
3 PARATHYROID GLAND - SLIDE 153 Look at slide 153. Note that the glands lie within the capsule of the thyroid. Q 9. What is the main cell type present in this gland? Q 10. What do these cells secrete? Q 11. What conditions would result in the release of this hormone? Q 5. What substance fills each follicle? Q 6. What is its function? Q 7. What changes would be evident in a thyroid follicle under TSH stimulation? Q 8. Where are ‘C’ cells located and what is their secretory product? PANCREAS - SLIDE 24 Identify the Islets of Langerhans and illustrate their distribution under low power. Q 12. What cell types are present in an islet? Q 13.What do they secrete? ……………………….. 4 Look at slide 157. Q 14. How many cell types can you identify based on their histological staining? Q 15. What islet hormone will increase glycogenolysis? Q 16. In which major blood vessel are islet hormones carried from the pancreas? THYROID GLAND - SLIDE 151 View this specimen under low and high power. 2 Q 4. What arteries supply blood to the thyroid gland?
Q 21. What are the hormonal products of the glomerulosa? Q 22. What are the hormonal products of the fasciculata? Q 23. What are the hormonal products of the reticularis? Q 24. What are the hormonal products of the medulla? SLIDE Adrenal gland stained for lipid with Sudan black dye. Q 25. What are the lipid droplets? Q 26. Would the number of lipid droplets increase or decrease following stimulation with ACTH and why? Q 27. How is the release of catecholamines from the medulla regulated? ADRENAL GLANDS - SLIDE 155 Q 17. How are the cells arranged in the glomerulosa? Q 18. How are the cells arranged in the fasciculata? Q 19. How are the cells arranged in the reticularis? Q 20. What cells are in the medulla and what is their origin? 5 Identify the zones of the adrenal gland: Capsule, zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona reticularis and medulla.