The Growth of Plants in Different Liquids Trishia Kinney, Janine Levandowski, Alexis Pyzia, Lucia Villafranca
Purpose/Question The purpose is to find how different liquids effect the radish seeds growth. How does different liquids effect a seeds growth?
Hypothesis We expected the seed to grow in the water, colored water, and cooking oil. But we did not expect it to grow in the vinegar and dawn ultra soap. We didn’t expect them to grow because they were either to dense or have to much acid in them.
Background The density in the liquid detergent and cooking oil is much heavier than the water, vinegar, and colored water. The white icicle radish seeds grow between 3 to 4 weeks and are about 6 inches long.
Materials Vinegar Water Cooking oil Color dye (teal) Dawn ultra (soap) Radish seeds (white icicle) 100ml of soil
Materials 23 watt light bulbs Clear mouth wash cups Cups Beakers Ruler Graduated Pipettes
Procedure First we gathered our materials. Then we added 100ml of soil to each cup and added 3 white icicle radish seeds to each cup. We then added 25ml of each liquid to their designated cup. We put the cups under two 23 watt light bulbs.
Results The result of our experiment ended with the water and colored water seeds growing; however, the liquid detergent, cooking oil, and vinegar did not grow.
Data Liquid use to water the plants Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day11 Vinegar Colored Water Detergent Oil 0mm .4mm .7mm .8mm 1mm 2mm 2.2mm
Conclusion Our conclusion is that our hypothesis was proven true. We learned that different liquids do affect the growth of plants. We also learned that when watering the seeds with liquid detergent molds. Also the cooking oil made the soil dense.