WHISPER report whisper team 16th CAA Cross-Calibration workshop Toulouse, France, 7-8 November 2012 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l’Espace 3A, avenue de la Recherche Scientifique F Orléans cedex 02, France
CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l’Espace 3A, avenue de la Recherche Scientifique F Orléans cedex 02, France OUTLINE Team status CAA production status CAA Actions Items Conclusion
Team status Science team: Jean-Louis Rauch, PI Active support of Pierrette Décréau Technical team: Irina Galkina is in charge of CAA activities (funded by ESA contract) – She is on maternity leave (from now) until April 16th. A. De Nazelle (CNES contract) joined the team in July He will handle CAA activities meanwhile. X. Vallières (part time)
WHISPER production (reminder) Due to CNES policy to reduce costs related to data processing: PPDB/SPDB production will stop after 2012 All CAA files will be produced and delivered by LPC2E Little hope for a second CNES contract (like it used to be)
CAA production status PRODUCTDELIVEREDCOMMENT mass archives2001 – August 2012 Reproduction foreseen to take into account ½ antenna length after EFW probes failure on SC1 (dec 2009) Waiting for production pipeline fully operational at LPC2E (WHI12-AI-06) sounding times2001 – June 2012 caveats2001 – June 2012
CAA production status PRODUCTDELIVEREDCOMMENT density archives2001 – Jan 2012 Feb-March-April 2012 – almost ready → before end of November May-June → before end of December Current production includes MS, SW, PS, Tail
CAA production status Search for a new density production method: A new method is being investigated to cover regions where no fuh is exploitable. One strategy is to make use of Fqs (Bernstein’s modes) with some (strong) hypotheses on the plasma. Currently under testing See Jean-Louis’s presentation
Action Items
CC15-AI-02 WHISPER to investigate the density variation on 4 October 2001, 0-4 UT and explain why the lower cut-off of the plasma sheet emission does not represent the local density Natural mode wave intensities were very strong so that even active data indicates the lower cut-off, they may not represent the local density. (this could be judged using ACTIVE_PASSIVE_RATIO, if available: if this is too small, one should not use data for density derivation) In this specific case, the cut off signature is probably not local, yielding overestimated density values, which should be suppressed
0123 UT Lower cut off Spectrogram in Sounding mode Several cut off signatures are present in the sounding mode spectrogram Some of them are taken into account and lead to density values ingested in CAA CC15-AI-02 WHISPER
Lower cut off to be taken into account for a specific analysis Unrealistic for a mass treatment procedure Compared spectrograms in natural and sounding modes, respectively. Most cut off signatures, present in both, could thus be non local CC15-AI-02 WHISPER
Action Items WHI12-AI-7 WHISPER to investigate if and how the measurements during commissioning phase could be delivered to the CAA Actual antenna length to be taken into account. Will be studied when production pipeline fully operational at LPC2E (same pipeline will be used for reprocessing data using ½ antenna length on SC1)
Action Items – missing files WHI11-AI-02 WHISPER to consider if there is a way of producing empty files for days with no data, e.g. 2-8 May WHI11-AI-05 WHISPER to check a reason for missing sounding times files in September 2005 & October 2006 (all spacecraft) WHI11-AI-06 WHISPER to check the reason for missing HK on C1 in February 2011 WHI12-AI-03 WHISPER to investigate why HK and CT_ACTIVE_EVENT files are missing for C1 on 28 Oct 2003 Empty files will be provided (can also be done for ELECTRON DENSITY & GYROFREQUENCY for ) Missing SOUNDING_TIMES will be provided Missing HK & ACTIVE_EVENT files will be provided Files ready to be delivered
Action Items WHI11-AI-03 WHISPER to investigate why no C1 WEC raw data was available on 13 October 2009 at CNES Confirmed problem in the processing pipeline (unexpected packet size + non handled error case) : decision had been taken not to process corresponding data Empty files will be delivered
Action Items WHI11-AI-07 WHISPER update the instrument caveat dataset names in instrument header file for C1-4 CL_CH_WHI_EXP.ceh Move EXPERIMENT_CAVEATS in EXPERIMENT_REFERENCES metadata and change references C[i]_CH_WHI_INST.ceh Update INSTRUMENT_CAVEATS metadata (‘DECOM ‘→ ‘CAVEATS’) C[i]_CH_WHI_[dataset].ceh Update PI name in CONTACT metadata Files ready to be delivered
Action Items WHI11-AI-08 WHISPER to investigate the density production on 24 June 2009 At the plasmapause crossing, density values fluctuate for some reason (processing/filtering matter)
First correction – new search band WHI11-AI-08 WHISPER
After all corrections File has been corrected – will be redelivered WHI11-AI-08 WHISPER
Action Items WHI12-AI-01 WHISPER to investigate if and how the Whisper 24-hr quick-look plots could be delivered to the CAA. Such plots should contain more instrumental information than just spectrograms The WHISPER team will deliver 6-hour quick-looks in ACTIVE and NATURAL, including spectrograms, energy, technical parameters & orbit parameters
Action Items on documentation OR7-R2detailed information to the CAA regarding the pointing of instrument effect of the antenna orientation on the wave measurements → UG OR7-R3information regarding « special operations » info on special mode using most of WEC TM + tilt campaign → UG WHI11-AI-09 WHI12-AI-09 To update UG, CR, ICD according to PM11/PM12 suggestions will be done WHI12-AI04To explain the usage and importance of PASSIVE_ACTIVE and ACTIVE_TO_PASSIVE_RATIO datasets → UG
Conclusion Mass archives delivered up to August 2012 Density delivered up to January 2012 Searching for a method to improve time coverage in plasmasphere Limited manpower Funding secured until 2013 (by ESA/CNRS contract)
CAA density production: a reminder DENSITY ARCHIVESCOMMENT Solar Wind Magnetosheath Priority #1 Delivery planning in compliance with CAA contract No FGM needed EFW is preferable for natural spectra processing PlasmaspherePriority #2 FGM needed Same days need to be reprocessed/redelivered TailPriority #3 time consuming (quasi manual) case by case basis