This PowerPoint file contains the Plenary for this chapter in Biology For You. Most of these slides are paired with a corresponding slide in the PowerPoint of the Learning Objectives for this chapter. As well as using the relevant slide to test your students and to evaluate how well they have understood each section of work, you may also find the slides useful for a quick revision course. Plenary Chapter 6
Arteries carry blood 1……. from the heart under 2………. pressure. They have 3……… elastic walls and no valves. Veins carry blood 4… the heart under 5……. pressure. They have 6………. walls and valves. Valves stop 7………… going backwards. Humans have a 8……….. circulation. Capillary walls are one 9……… thick. Substances 10……….. to and from cells. Circulation, veins and arteries Ch6
Arteries carry blood away from the heart under high pressure. They have thick elastic walls and no valves. Veins carry blood to the heart under low pressure. They have thin walls and valves. Valves stop blood going backwards. Humans have a double circulation. Capillary walls are one cell thick. Substances diffuse to and from cells. Circulation, veins and arteries
The hearts own pacemaker can be affected by disease or ……………... An ………….. pacemaker mimics the natural pacemaker of the heart. The artificial pacemaker is inserted in the chest with …………….. connected to the heart. If the heart misses a ……….. the artificial pacemaker creates a very small …………….. impulse This stimulates the heart …….. to restore the rhythm of the …………….. Artificial pacemaker Ch7
The hearts own pacemaker can be affected by disease or aging. An artificial pacemaker mimics the natural pacemaker of the heart. The artificial pacemaker is inserted in the chest with electrodes connected to the heart. If the heart misses a beat the artificial pacemaker creates a very small electrical impulse This stimulates the heart muscle to restore the rhythm of the heartbeat. Artificial pacemaker Ch7
The heart deoxygenated blood oxygenated blood left ventricle 10 right ventricle 9 valve 8 right atrium 7 valve prevents backflow 6 left atrium 5 blood in from lungs 4 blood out to lungs 3 blood out to body 2 blood from body 1 Ch6
The heart’s own pacemaker sends electrical 1……….. to the heart muscle. The heart muscle receives blood from the coronary arteries. A blockage leads to 2……. Not enough oxygen gets to the heart muscle. A complete 3……………. causes a heart attack. Risk factors include: Heart disease Ch6
The heart’s own pacemaker sends electrical impulses to the heart muscle. The heart muscle receives blood from the coronary arteries. A blockage leads to angina. Not enough oxygen gets to the heart muscle. A complete blockage causes a heart attack. Risk factors include: Heart disease too much fat in diettoo little exercise overweightsmokinginheritance Ch6
Blood Red blood cells carry 1…………. They contain 2……………………….. Haemoglobin+oxygen 3……………… White blood cells fight infection: lymphocytes make 4……………………… phagocytes 5………………. bacteria. Platelets: cell fragments. They 6………….. blood. Plasma, the liquid part of the blood, contains: hormonesantibodies waste (CO 2 )dissolved 7………….. Ch6
Blood Red blood cells carry oxygen. They contain haemoglobin. Haemoglobin+oxygenoxyhaemoglobin White blood cells fight infection from pathogens: lymphocytes make antibodies phagocytes ingest bacteria. Platelets: cell fragments. They clot blood. Plasma, the liquid part of the blood, contains: hormonesantibodies waste (CO 2 )dissolved food Ch6
Blood clotting prevents blood loss and entry of 1 ………………. Fibrinogen is a soluble 2 ……………. in the blood. Platelets help convert fibrinogen into fibrin, which forms the 3 ……………. 4 ……………… is an inherited disease where this blood clotting mechanism does not work properly. 1 bacteria 2 protein 3 clot 4 Haemophilia Blood clotting Ch6
Exchange at capillaries a liquid leaks out to make ………. fluid b tissue fluid drawn back into …………. c capillary wall: …….. walls large ………….. short ……….. distance tissue fluid ………. out d diffusion of …………., food e diffusion of …………… ………….., urea Ch6
Exchange at capillaries a liquid leaks out to make tissue fluid b tissue fluid drawn back into capillary c capillary wall: thin walls large surface short diffusion distance tissue fluid leaks out d diffusion of oxygen, food e diffusion of carbon dioxide, urea Ch6
Blood transfusions O AB B A B antigenA antigenblood group Ch6
Blood transfusions Oall groupsO AB B and OB and ABB A and OA and ABA can receive fromcan donate toblood group Ch6
The pumping ……………. creates a blood pressure high enough for blood flow through the ……….. to the capillaries.It naturally rises if your heart beats …………. If your blood pressure is too high it puts a strain on your ……………..and blood vessels. If a blood vessel in the brain bursts you have a ………. Risk factors for high blood pressure include: s…………….. o…………….. d ……………..……………..…………….. n ……………..……………..…………….. s…………….. Blood pressure Ch7
The pumping ventricles creates a blood pressure high enough for blood flow through the arteries to the capillaries.It naturally rises if your heart beats faster. If your blood pressure is too high it puts a strain on your heart and blood vessels. If a blood vessel in the brain bursts you have a stroke. Risk factors for high blood pressure include: smoking overeating drinking too much alcohol not enough exercise stress Blood pressure Ch7
If your blood pressure is too high it puts a strain on your heart and blood vessels. If a blood vessel in the brain bursts you have a stroke. A small stroke can just affect one part of your brain, you may have difficulty remembering or speaking. One particularly dangerous type of small stroke stops you from swallowing properly. A large stroke can leave you paralysed down one side. If the right side of your brain is affected you are paralysed down your left side. The brain does recover from strokes and people can recover some or most of their lost abilities. Strokes Ch7