Do you know my meaning? A word may mean one thing when it is used as a noun. It may mean something else when it is used as a verb. Pay close attention to the clues in the context to help you determine the true meaning.
Which meaning of “skirt” is used here? skirt /skərt/ -n. 1. a one- piece garment worn from the waist 2. a small leather flap on each side of a saddle -v. 3. to pass along or go around the edge of 4. to avoid or keep distance from Tom was uncomfortable talking about money, so he skirted the issue. garment worn from the waist a flap on a saddle to pass along the edge to avoid
Which meaning of “skirt” is used here? skirt /skərt/ -n. 1. a one- piece garment worn from the waist 2. a small leather flap on each side of a saddle -v. 3. to pass along or go around the edge of 4. to avoid or keep distance from We hiked all the way around on a path that skirted the pond. to avoid to pass along the edge of a flap on a saddle garment worn from the waist
Which meaning of “mind” is used here? mind /mīnd/ -n. 1. the part in a conscious being that thinks, reasons, perceives, etc. 2. reason or sanity 3. opinion, view 4. inclination, intention, or desire 5. attention, thoughts -v. 6. to pay attention to 7. to heed or obey (person, advice, etc.) 8. to look after, take care of 9. to feel disturbed or inconvenienced by Even though raking leaves is hard work, but I don’t mind it at all. reason or sanity to heed or obey to pay attention to to feel disturbed by
Which meaning of “mind” is used here? George had a mind to become a chef, so he practiced cooking for his family. the brain reason or sanity intention or desire to pay attention to mind /mīnd/ -n. 1. the part in a conscious being that thinks, reasons, perceives, etc. 2. reason or sanity 3. opinion, view 4. inclination, intention, or desire 5. attention, thoughts -v. 6. to pay attention to 7. to heed or obey (person, advice, etc.) 8. to look after, take care of 9. to feel disturbed or inconvenienced by
Which meaning of “address” is used here? address /ə- ˈ dres, or ˈ a- ˌ dres/ -n. 1. The place where a person or organization is located 2. a formal speech or written statement directed at a particular group -v. 3. to direct a speech or statement to 4. to deal with or discuss 5. to put delivery directions on The manager held a meeting to address the issue of employee health. location of the organization a formal speech to deal with or discuss to put delivery directions
What meaning of “address” is used here? address /ə- ˈ dres, or ˈ a- ˌ dres/ -n. 1. The place where a person or organization is located 2. a formal speech or written statement directed at a particular group -v. 3. to direct a speech or statement to 4. to deal with or discuss 5. to put delivery directions on When you address the audience, be sure to make eye contact and speak clearly. location of an organization a formal speech to speak to to put delivery directions on
Which meaning of “base” is used here? base /bās/ -n. 1. a bottom support on which a thing rests or stands 2. a fundamental principal 3. the bottom layer or coating 4. a corner of a baseball diamond 5. A supply site for a military force -v. 6. to establish, as a fact or conclusion 7. to station, place, or situate -adj. 8. morally low, mean-spirited 9. of little or no value 10. unrefined The doctor based her diagnosis on the medical test results. the bottom layer or coating of little or no value a fundamental principle to establish as a fact
Which meaning of “base” is used here? base /bās/ -n. 1. a bottom support on which a thing rests or stands 2. a fundamental principal 3. the bottom layer or coating 4. a corner of a baseball diamond 5. a supply site for a military force -v. 6. to establish, as a fact or conclusion 7. to station, place, or situate -adj. 8. morally low, mean-spirited 9. of little or no value 10. unrefined The statue looks valuable, but it is made of base material, not real gold. the bottom layer or coating a military supply site morally low, mean spirited of little use or no value
The meaning of “skirt”. This is a noun. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “skirt”. It is a verb, however we can not physically move around the edge on an issue. We could skirt around a town or even a cliff. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “skirt”. Good Job! The word skirt in this sentence is used as a verb meaning to avoid. Tom avoided talking about money. Next Question
The meaning of “skirt”. This is a verb meaning to avoid. Even though they “skirted” the pond they did not keep away from the pond. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “skirt”. Way to go! The word “skirt” in this sentence is used as a verb meaning to go around the edge of. The “ed” on the end of the word was a big clue as to how it was used. Next Question
The meaning of “skirt”. This is a noun. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “mind”. This is a noun meaning reason. It would not make sense to say “I don’t reason it at all.” The word “it” is acting as the noun. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “mind”. The word “mind” is used as a verb in this sentence. However this is not the right definition. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “mind”. Excellent! “Mind” in this sentence was used to mean disturbed by. “I was not disturbed by it at all.” Next Question
The meaning of “mind”. “Mind” is used as a noun in this sentence. However this is not the best fit for the meaning of the word. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “mind”. Fantastic! Mind in this sentence is used as a noun meaning a desire or intention. “George had the desire to become a chef.” Next Question
The meaning of “mind”. This is a verb, meaning to pay attention to. Look at the context. The word before is “a”. “George had a mind to become a chef..” An action word would not follow an article (part of speech). “A” would be followed by a noun. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “address”. This definition is for a noun. Pay close attention to the words around “address”. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “address”. Good Job! “Address” is used as a verb meaning to discuss or deal with. “The manger held a meeting to discuss employee health.” Next Question
The meaning of “address”. This is a verb meaning to to put delivery instructions on a letter or package. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “address”. This is a noun. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “address”. Perfect! It is used as a verb in this sentence meaning to speak to the audience. Next Question
The meaning of “address”. This is a verb meaning to write or put delivery directions on something, such as a letter or box. We certainly would not be putting directions on our audience. GO
The meaning of “base”. This is a noun. Look at how the word base has an ending. What does this ending indicate? Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “base”. Excellent work! The word is used as a verb to mean to establish as a fact. The clue in the sentence was the -ed verb tense on base. Next Question
The meaning of “base”. This is an adjective meaning of little or no value. Remember an adjective describes a noun. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “base”. This is a noun. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “base”. This is an adjective meaning morally low; mean spirited. The materials can not be mean. Reread the sentence and try again. GO
The meaning of “base”. Good Job! This is used as an adjective meaning of little use or no value. The materials have no value, unlike gold. Next
Congratulations! You’re a Word Rock Star! Remember when you get stuck, pay attention. The clues to help you are there! Look at the surrounding words, and even read the sentence before and after.