Welcome to First grade!! Ms. Winiarski Room
All About Ms. Winiarski Oakland University: Bachelor Degree in Math and Language Arts Saginaw Valley State University: Mastering in Instructional technology Loves music and sports…specifically dance and football!! Loves math!!
Go Team!! I believe in teamwork and building quality relationships with one another. Our room is team related to promote: Teamwork Positive Communication Personal Best Setting and Reaching our Goals
Behavior Penalty Flags: Verbal Warning Yellow Flag: 5 minutes Red Flag: 10 minutes Penalty Box: Note home
Class Dojo New!! Pros: parents can login daily for up-to-date information on how their child is doing Cons: new to us. Remember we have the Penalty Flags in place Cons: new to us. Remember we have the Penalty Flags in place **After a few weeks, I’ll send home login codes for parents**
iPads and Computers Blended Learning Model Espark and Dreambox
Guided Reading Books will be sent home daily for guided reading practice. Please work with your child on understanding the story. Enforce comprehension Real-world applications Author’s purpose
Homework Homework is expected daily. Guided Reading book Word Study words Math Facts with automaticity
Word Study Dolch Words Lists 1-11 (available on our website) 7 Dolch words a week 5 word family words a week
Grading Policy Report Cards 1 – Excellent/Above and Beyond 2 – Satisfactory/Achieving CURRENT expectations 3 – Developing/Progressing toward expectations 4 – Area of concern and focus
Grading Policy Classroom + - Above and beyond + - Above and beyond ✔ - What is expected, a couple mistakes ✔ - What is expected, a couple mistakes − - Struggling, needs practice and reinforcement − - Struggling, needs practice and reinforcement
Grading Policy Portfolios will be kept for all students (in school assessments [formal and informal]) Daily papers, Friday Folders
Snack Morning snack Peanut FREE classroom as we have a peanut allergy Send a HEALTHY snack (veggies, fruits, crackers, etc.)
Lunch Label, label, LABEL!!! Please label everything (bags/envelopes with money, lunch boxes, containers)
Recess/Specials Dress appropriately Gym requires gym shoes – no sandals, boots, etc. We will go outside in the cold so make sure you bundle up your child!!! Label jackets, gloves, hats, etc.
Teamwork Works! Remember that learning is a partnership between myself, the student and the parent. Working as a team, we will make sure that your child has a successful year in which he/she will become a more responsible, independent individual! Remember that learning is a partnership between myself, the student and the parent. Working as a team, we will make sure that your child has a successful year in which he/she will become a more responsible, independent individual!
teamwiniarski.weebly.com Ms. Winiarski’s blog Important dates Curriculum connection
Parent/Teacher Communication Phone: Website: teamwiniarski.weebly.com Daily Folder: ONLY USE IN RESPONSE TO A NOTE FROM ME Letters/notes from home
Remind 101 Text message reminders for our class Promise to keep them limited Promise to keep them limited Instant access VERY PRIVATE: No personal information is shared, EVER If enough parents are interested, we’ll go ahead with it!!
What a Wonderful … …year we have ahead of ourselves!!! …year we have ahead of ourselves!!! Go Team Winiarski!!! Together, we all achieve our goals!
Conferences!!! Don’t forget to sign up for conferences Don’t forget to sign up for conferences
Johnny Appleseed We’re in need of 7 volunteers for Johnny Appleseed day!! Make sure you have a background check, as it is required by UCS Make sure you have a background check, as it is required by UCS