Least Squares Measurement model Weighted LSQ Optimal estimates Linear Unbiased Minimum variance
White Gaussian noise sequence Random sequence Sequence of random variable: Discrete random process Let White noise sequence If White Gaussian sequence If it is white and each is normal
Measurement equation Observation eq. Of Linear system where : the state sequence : the deterministic control sequence : measured data sequence : Constant known matrix : Zero mean white Gaussian measurement noise –With
Optimal Estimate Obtain optimal estimate of state vector from the information What is optimal ? Minimum estimation error: Error free case
Cost function We wish to minimize Where Find such that And optimum weight Note that if, then ordinary LSQ
Least Squares Estimates Let be nonsingular Then show that (Exercise 1.11) It has minimum when Or What happens when is singular ?
Optimal Weight W k Define estimate error Find W k which minimize
W k = R k -1 For positive definite symmetric R k SVD : Schwarz inequality with Therefore, W k = R k -1 Since,
Least Squares Optimal Estimate With W k = R k -1, optimal estimates of x k Unbiased estimate of x k Minimum variance estimate of x k Consistent estimate
Application of Least Squares Estimation Least Squares Estimation Definition of GDOP Variation of GDOP: PDOP, HDOP, …. 10
WLS at GPS Given Code measurement or Linearizing at Nominal Point: Taylor Series: Code measurement becomes Define and Then where is LOS(line of Sight) vector between and Satellite 11
WLS at GPS (cont) For m Satellite Let Covariance of measurement is Then LSQ gives where 12
WLS at GPS (cont) 13 S4 S2 S1 S3 (X 1,Y 1,Z 1 ) (X 2,Y 2,Z 2 ) (X 3,Y 3,Z 3 ) (X 4,Y 4,Z 4 ) PseudoRange Measurement PR=R TRUE +Bias B BB B R=True Distance between Satellite and User B=Distance Error Due to Clock Bias R1 R2 R3 R4 P0P0 h1h1 h2h2 h3h3 h4h4 P = A u
WLS at GPS (cont) Covariance of Estimates Least Square Estimation Assume performance of each channel is same: Then Estimation Error is affected by Receiver performance C/A code: Carrier Phase: User-Satellite Geometry: Quantitative Measure? 14
Definition of GDOP Define where Definition of GDOP Note Estimation Error can be expressed 15
Meaning of Positioning Error = GDOP x UERE UERE: User Equivalent Ranging Error Ionospheric delay + Troposheric delay + Multipath + Receiver Noise GDOP amplifies UERE Design of Constellation is very important Selection Satellites which gives small GDOP To reduce Positioning Error Both GDOP and UERE are concerned 16
Meaning of GDOP Bad GDOPGood GDOP 17 UERE
Coordinate Transformation Transform WGS-84 to ENU where Covariance Transformation Thus Errors in ENU 18 x y z N E E
GDOP in ENU Definition of GDOP Other DOPs 19
Applications of GDOP Predicts Positioning Error Constellation Design Selection of Satellites 20