Emotional Resilience : the key to surviving difficult times IPPN Annual Principals’ Conference 2014 January 23 rd -24th 2014 Dublin John Conaghan Key Contracts Manager Carecallwellbeing.ie
Emotional Resilience “a set of conditions that allow individual adaptation to different forms of adversity at different points in the life course”. “the capacity to cope with and become stronger as a result of experiencing and dealing with difficult events” Carecallwellbeing.ie
What is Emotional Resilience? Carecallwellbeing.ie
Good Emotional Resilience is Good for Schools ImproveReduce Staff health and wellbeingStress Staff engagement and satisfactionSickness absence rates Staff recruitment and retentionStaff turnover ProductivityRecruitment costs Carecallwellbeing.ie
Emotional Resilience - Attitude - The “Well – Being Reservoir” - Work related stress Carecallwellbeing.ie
Factors That Increase Resilience Carecallwellbeing.ie
Thoughts and Beliefs Carecallwellbeing.ie Values Purpose Direction
Mental Effects: The effects of excessive stress in the workplace. Other common mental effects of stress are: Inability to concentrate Difficulty with coming to decisions Loss of self-confidence Irritability or frequent anger Insatiable cravings Unnecessary worry, uneasiness and anxiety Irrational fear Panic attacks Compelling emotions and mood swings Carecallwellbeing.ie
Emotional Effects: The effects of excessive stress in the workplace. A loss of a sense of humour Increased irritability or moodiness Negative thinking Being constantly worried General lack of interest in normal activities Adverse effect on relationships, work and other social activities Panicky in social situations or in crowds Avoiding people Tongue tied during conversations Carecallwellbeing.ie
The effects of excessive stress in the workplace. Behavioural Effects: Excessive smoking Nervous tics Increased use of alcohol or drug(s) Mannerisms like nail biting, hair puling etc. Increased or decreased eating Absent mindedness Accident-proneness Aggressiveness on least provocation Carecallwellbeing.ie
Exhaustion stage - long term effects of stress begin to set in. Resulting wear and tear compromises a number of systems in your body and organs, which can lead to illness. Frequent stress can impair the following body systems: Cardiovascular system Digestive system Immune system The effects of excessive stress in the workplace. Long Term Effects: Carecallwellbeing.ie
The Stress Curve.... Underload Boredom Apathy Fantasy! Overload Exhaustion - onset of serious health problems Creative Calm High energy Motivated Performance High Low LowDemands or pressureHigh Optimal performance Fatigue, poor judgement & decision making Carecallwellbeing.ie
Background to Carecall -Founded in Fully owned by Niamh -Social Enterprise status -Largest EAP provider across Ireland – 460,000 lives covered plus 120,000 students -Over 100 clients including NICS, DES, ELBs, Local Gov Councils, HAS, IAFD, HSCTs, UTV, Kerry Foods, Bombardier, Michelin Carecallwellbeing.ie
-Independent -Self-referred -Confidential -Free service Employee Assistance Service Carecallwellbeing.ie
-Freephone 24 hour immediate telephone support -Structured face to face or telephone counselling Employee Assistance Service The Service - Overview Carecallwellbeing.ie
-Networked with 300 counsellors across Ireland -Best match of counsellors to issue -Structured counselling sessions: -4 x1 hour session model Employee Assistance Service Carecallwellbeing.ie
-Bereavement -Caring for relatives -Family frictions -Childcare -Losing independence -Drug & alcohol abuse -Personal Crises -Ill health -Depression & anxiety -Discrimination -Divorce Your Personal Life Carecallwellbeing.ie
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