Building a Resilient Workplace
2 Is this a psychological and healthy place to work? -64% agree -19% unsure -17% disagree Plus other organisational factors e.g. Occupational Health Data. How many organisations are willing… -to ask the question? -understand the result? -to take action? The Prompts for Investment
Research & Benchmarking – Pioneering Resilience 3
4 From this Engaged with Resilience Matters Understand the Problem Focus on personal resilience Plan to mitigate org. factors
5 Identification of Pilot Group Is this a psychological and healthy place to work?
7 Phases - Proactive Resilience Management Step 1 : Steering Team Selection (3-4 people) Step 2: Awareness and Survey (1.5 Hours) Step 3: Analysis of Data Step 4: Review key findings and priorities Step 5: Action Plan Development Step 6: Training: The Resilient Mind Step 7: Re-Survey 6
Work Positive Questionnaire: High Level Organisational Stressors Single and Focus Group Interviews Report issued with key organisational factors Review findings and focus areas from above Stage 1-4 (Understanding the Problem) 7
Develop Action Plan Facilitated workshop to prioritise issues and focus areas with the entire team. Develop Action plan with timelines to mitigate the key risks. Stage 5 8
One Day offsite Resilient Mind Training − Focus of the training is personal resilience to enable people to manage own personal stress response at work and home. − Techniques and Tools − Discussion Stage 6 9
Each participant received a workbook that contained − Personal stress audit, diary and SWOT analysis; − Personal stress management plan; − Reminder of the terminology used and; − A resilience ‘prescription’ highlighting resilience tips Richard developed an innovative game called “Insights” to address the team issues in a fun and practical way. CD that incorporates the programme content to teach people how to deeply relax in a practical way using progressive relaxation and guided imagery. Innovation / Course Design 10
Dealing with Stress – in a interactive workshop style that was inclusive and open Sharing (Oct 2014) As part of a pharmaceutical-chemical sector network meeting, we shared this best practice initiative with HR and health and safety leaders. − Since then, both Richard and our team have supported other organisations with their resilience journeys. Innovative in programme design Our Best Practice 11
Is this a psychological and healthy place to work? Pilot Group Results - +36% Department Positive Change Quality -Team A -Team B -Team C -Team D 20% 57% 17% 36% 40% 78% 75% 82% +20% +21% +58%
Our Evaluation (Kirkpatrick ’ s model) Evaluation type (what is measured) On site Measured for Evaluation of this Development Programme. 1. Reaction -Course Delivery, -Participation rates -Course Feedback 2. Learning -Completion of departmental and personal action plans 3. Behaviour -Positive change on the GPTW survey site +36% quality group -Increased Engagement & openness -Impact on Site Culture 4. Results & ROI 30% reduction in work related stress cases e.g.Quality 18% Reduction in EAP visits Increased Investment in Health Centre 100k Reduction in Long Term Sick (* result not evident yet)
14 The model Organisational Review (questionnaires, focus groups and action plan) Training “The Resilient Mind” (focus on personal resilience) Follow up course or one on one’s on site or visit to Private Clinic ( if required)
| 15 or screen of our computer or the hard drive of our computer
| 16 Relaxed Excited Worried Panic Anyone interested in doing a few sit ups ? Our in-built stress response
| 17