In today’s society, there are so many diets: vegetarian, pescetarian, paleo, vegan, and many more. Quite often it’s more than a simple dietary decision: people’s diets are tied in with ethics, the environment, anti-corporatism, wanting to eat local… the list goes on. Veganism is a diet that goes hand in hand with a person’s morals; many vegans choose not to use any animal products including silk, leather, or honey. Those that choose not to eat animals for ethical reasons still may miss the flavor and experience of eating meat. After all, it can be hard to go to a burger joint and order a salad while everyone else is having a cheeseburger. For those special occasions where meat is missed, a generation of fake meats has emerged to cater your every need.
Your text goes here. Types of Vegan Meat Substitutes Because diet trends are so prevalent in the Western world, it is common knowledge that there are many protein-rich foods around the world that serve as alternates to meat: tofu, tempeh, soy beans, veggie burgers, etc. But for those who miss meat, there is a whole new line of substitutes: Tofurkey, Fakin’ Bacon, Tofu-Pups, Mock duck. Seitan… For many new vegans, fake meat is a good transition food: moving from a hot dog to a Tofu-pup. It’s nice that for traditions such as Christmas dinner or Easter Sunday, being a vegan doesn’t mean that you must be removed from dinner. These alternatives allow seamless modifications at events such as picnics and BBQ’s, where, previously, one might have felt like an outsider.
For those that did experience the growing pains of going to a restaurant and having to first suffer through explaining what a vegan is to the server, followed by having only a bland salad or a baked potato as your options, it is very refreshing to see that there are now many vegan options on menus and in supermarkets. There is an array of vegan cheese, mayo, ice cream, milk, and meats. There are so many cookbooks, recipes, motivational speakers from all backgrounds, and projects promoting awareness. Not only are there many more options, but there is a new emphasis on creating tasty and nutritious food – not just a substitute. Vegan Meat Options are Abundant
Another great reason fake meat protein is a good choice is that it’s a more sustainable option compared to the animal-based variety for countries like China and India, where populations are expanding rapidly with no room for animal agriculture. Fake meat is faster and does not rely on antibiotics, while also not causing health issues like high cholesterol and saturated fats. Also, for those who may not want to completely abandon meat but still cut back, fake meats fill the void of no protein on a given dish. Some argue that if you are trying to transition from being a meat eater to choosing a vegan lifestyle, these fake meats may actually hurt your digestive process. Tofu can only be compared to tofu: it is not trying to be anything else. But Tofurkey will immediately be compared to turkey. If vegan meat stands as its own category, then it is a great step in a new direction. Some people find it as a less than satisfying than actual meat. Fake Meat: A Sustainable Choice, but Different
One problem with fake meat is it’s very processed; you are removing a natural source (organic) and replacing it with packaged foods. Can this not have a negative effect on the environment? It is arguably using more energy, real or fake, so if the one reason to remove meat is to have a positive effect on the environment, it would seem counter-intuitive. Equally so, if the idea behind being vegan is to not promote harming animals, then maybe there should be a switch from marketing food as “fake meat” to “vegan protein.” Increased Processing Vs. Animal Cruelty?
Regardless of your motivation, it’s hard to argue that factory farms aren’t the best way forward for an ever-growing global population. Thus, choosing to eliminate meat and replace it with a new generation of fake meats may be a way to help the planet. And for those that have made the change to a vegan lifestyle, it’s a great thing to have more tasty options. Excitement for Your Next Vegan Adventure
Website: Fresh 'n Lean (888) Sources: generation-fake-meats%EF%BB%BF/ generation-fake-meats%EF%BB%BF/