Colledge of InEU Specialty "Accounting and Auditing"
Choose your profession Choosing the field of "Accounting and audit", you will not regret it: the most prestigious and broad-profession here and despite all the talk about the money, the results of calculations of hard money, accounting is always in the spotlight.
Where can you work on specialty? Popularity of specialty "Accounting and Auditing" do not have to wonder: any enterprise - from kindergarten to refinery concern inconceivable without an accountant. Qualified auditor you can get while studying at college. Many connoisseurs of balance and balance begins with vocational and often... and stayed on it - for small enterprises such training is usually enough.
Who can you work? Accountant - auditor Accounting and Auditing;
Dream of becoming an accountant... Accounting is a field without which we cannot live, without which any business we can not so easy to solve!
"Accounting and Auditing" He should be accurate, clever, easily to count, And then in any work he will be respected. He needs to be loyal and honest, Secrets to keep, to Be in the service of interesting laws to abide by.
Colledge Bachelor Magistratura Stage of education Luseum PhD
Passing scores You’ll succeed! 30 scores 20 scores 11 grade9 grade
The timing of training : On the basis of basic education – 2 years 10 months On the basis of General secondary education - 1 years 10 months 1 years, 10 months Full-time At the correspondence Department
The list of required documents The original document about education Medical serification A copy of the vaccination sheet 6 photos (3*4) A certificate with the results of the UNT, complex testing (optional applicant) A copy of the identity document (identity card, birth certificate). The original presented in person
Accepting applications On the day time form of training from 20 June to 20 August On the correspondence form of training from 20 June to 20 September On the day time form of training from August 1 to August 28 On the correspondence form of training from 1 August to 25 September Entrance exams
Colledge of InEU