What piece of land is a country and continent, has more sheep than people and is home to the only mammal that moves by bouncing? If you guessed Australia, you are correct and if you guessed the kangaroo for the bouncing mammal, you are also correct! Welcome to Australia!
Today, you are going to look at some different topics on this amazing continent. 1.Marsupials 2.Ayers Rock 3. How the GREAT BARRIER REEF is dying 4. Mining for opals in Australia
Australia has about 120 different species of marsupials. Remember, marsupials hold their babies in their pouches. Click HERE l for some funny home videos about koalas.HERE Hi there little fella!
Ayer’s rock is a huge chunk of sandstone located in the center of Australia. Ayer’s rock also goes by the Aboriginal name Uluru.
Group shot of visitors inside a cave in Uluru. Aboriginal people near Ayer’s Rock.
Did you know that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is dying? This is coral bleaching and happens when the water become too warm and turns the coral white. Once this happens, the coral cannot grow. Click HERE to watch a video on this tragic story. HERE Before coral bleachingAfter coral bleaching