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MTH 231 Week 1 DQs MTH 231 Week 1 Populations and Sampling Paper MTH 231 Week 2 DQs MTH 231 Week 2 Data— Organizing, Summarizing, Probability, and Distribution Worksheet 1. If you randomly select one butterfly from the table above, what is the probability of selecting a red butterfly or one collected in spring? 2. If you randomly select one butterfly collected in spring, one butterfly collected in summer, and one butterfly collected in autumn, what is the probability of selecting all yellow butterflies? MTH 231 Entire Course MTH 231 Final Exam Guide Set 2
Select the data among the month from 10 to 11 years as depicted below. Paste it to your clipboard using your mouse. Use only the numbers, not the month. Apply statdisk and paste it on statdisk. You are then required to select which column to be used. You have to choose column 1. Define population and describe the characteristics of a population. Define sample and describe the characteristics of a sample. Compare samples and populations and explain how the concepts are related. Provide examples to illustrate your arguments. MTH 231 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 MTH 231 Week 1 Individual Assignment Populations
Suppose a birdwatcher averages spotting 0.3 rare finches every day during the two hours allotted for watching. This means that the birdwatcher spots, on average, three rare finches every 10 days. The average is based on considerable experience. Over a given 10-day period, the birdwatcher sees zero rare finches in five days, and on the sixth day, the birdwatcher declares, “I’m due to see a rare finch today.” Resources: Ch. 2–4 and Appendix B of the text and Statdisk Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Data— Organizing, Summarizing, Probability, and Distribution Worksheet. MTH 231 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2 MTH 231 Week 2 Individual Assignment Data-Organizing
What are the characteristics of a normal probability distribution function (pdf). What is the standard normal pdf? How is it related to the normal pdf and why is it useful? Explain the Empirical Rule? Is it used for rough estimates or precise calculations? What population is researched in each article? What data are collected by the authors in each article? What are the independent events or variables? What are the dependent events or variables? Evaluate whether the authors make appropriate claims related to the independence or dependence of the events or variables they investigate. MTH 231 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 MTH 231 Week 3 Team Assignment Life Sciences Article
State the criteria for choosing a t- test and a z-test. Then give an example of a problem in which you would use z-test to evaluate the data. Next, take the same example and modify it so that a t- test would be preferable. Explain why. Resources: Ch. 5–7 of the text and Statdisk Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Distribution, Hypothesis Testing, and Error Worksheet, located in Week Four of the student website. MTH 231 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2 MTH 231 Week 4 Individual Assignment Distribution
What is a normal distribution? Describe your example variable and explain why normally distributed data is important in your chosen life science. Show the distribution of your example variable in a Statdisk-generated image and demonstrate how to calculate the probability of a range of values within this normal distribution. a) Apply the Statdisk and look for the user-defined relative frequency histogram having a class width of 10 from 50. The labels must be “on”. Copy the histogram in this sheet. b) Look for the Normality Assessment using the Statdisk. Does it show the sample from the normal population? MTH 231 Week 4 Team Assignment Confidence Intervals MTH 231 Week 5 Final Exam Guide Set 1
Resources: Ch. 7 and 8 and sections 9-1 and 9-2 in Ch. 9 of the text Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Hypothesis Testing and Correlation Worksheet, located in Week Five of the student website MTH 231 Week 5 Team Assignment Hypothesis Testing
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