Happy Monday! 1.Have out your Notecard Sticker Sheet. Lay out your notecards (definition side up) on your desk 7x6, “Abiotic Factor” needs to be top left card. 2.Turn in Page 131 and Notecard Sticker Sheet (after I give you your sticker). 3.Your Bell Work for Today is to match the following terms with the appropriate definitions. Write the term and definition on your bell work sheet (MAKE A BELLWORK SHEET): 1.Competition a. one organism captures and eats another 2.Predation b. relationship where two live together 3.Symbiosis c. One organism is harmed the other benefits 4.Mutualism d. One organism benefits with no effect to the other 5.Commensalism e. Both organisms benefit from the relationship 6.Parasitism f. One or more types of Organism attempting to use the same resource(s) SMALL GROUP CHAMPS SMALL GROUP CHAMPS E4 computer E4 computer
Unit 11 – Ecology Definitions Due Monday (4/11/16) All Parts Due Thursday (4/14/16) 1.Abiotic Factor 2.Biodiversity 3.Biome 4.Biosphere 5.Biotic Factor 6.Carbon Cycle 7.Carrying Capacity 8.Climax Community 9.Commensalism 10.Community 11.Competition 12.Consumers 13.Decomposers 14.Denitrification 15.Detrivore 16.Ecological Pyramid 17.Ecosystem 18.Food Chain 19.Food Web 20.Host 21.Limiting Factor 22.Mutualism 23.Natural Disaster 24.Nitrification 25.Nitrogen Cycle 26.Nitrogen Fixation 27.Organism 28.Parasite 29.Parasitism 30.Pioneer Species 31.Population 32.Predator 33.Prey 34.Primary Consumer 35.Primary Succession 36.Producer 37.Scavenger 38.Secondary Consumer 39.Secondary Succession 40.Symbiosis 41.Tertiary Consumer 42.Trophic Level
Collect Today Page Vocabulary Definitions Page 131 – Ecological Relationships Page 132 – Ecological Relationships Activity Notecard Sticker Sheets Assigned Page Vocabulary ALL PARTS (Thursday) Late Page Ecology Poster (-30%)
Eco Relationships “Instas” Divide your paper to create 4 boxes. In each box, draw an “insta” for each type of ecological relationship (Think about how Instagram works…the picture should describe the relationships) Predation, Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism Include a caption that also describes the relationship
Essential Question How do ecosystems develop and change over time? Standard B.11D - Describe how events and processes that occur during ecological succession can change populations and species diversity. PG 131
Think – Pair – Share What kinds of things do people do to cause changes in their environment? What kinds of things happen naturally to cause changes in the environment?
What is succession? Succession is when one thing follows another in a particular sequence. Ecological succession: when ecosystems go through a series of predictable changes after a disturbance
Mount Saint Helens
The series of predictable changes that occurs in a community over time is called ecological succession.
Succession that occurs on surfaces where no soil exists is called primary succession.
Primary = First = 1 = Back to Square 1
Two geological events that could lead to primary succession are volcanic eruptions and the melting of glaciers.
The first species to populate a new area are called pioneer species.
Pioneer species prepare an ecosystem for new species by helping to form soil in which plants can grow.
Secondary succession follows when a disturbance of some kind changes an existing community without removing the soil.
Secondary succession might be caused by wildfires, hurricanes, or tornados.
Succession affects organism populations in two ways: DENSITY: The total number of organisms living in a particular area DIVERSITY: The number of different species living in a particular area (also called biodiversity) more diverse ecosystems are healthier As succession proceeds, both density and BIOdiversity will increase.
A climax community is a mature, stable community that does not undergo further succession.
Plant and animal life returns to an area in a predictable order after a natural disaster: 1.FIRST (primary succession): a)pioneer species (lichens) grow on the exposed rock b)no animal life exists 2.SECOND (secondary succession): a)small plants like grasses replace pioneer species as soil begins to develop b)small plant-eating animals return to the area 3.THIRD (secondary succession): a)medium-sized plants like shrubs return as the soil becomes richer b)larger plant-eaters and small meat-eaters return 4.FOURTH (secondary succession): a)large plants like trees return as the soil become nutrient-rich b)large meat-eating animals return