Accidental Discoveries Wilhelm Roentgen ( ) Physicist Discovered X-Rays Used in WWI to locate bullets and bone fractures Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) Biologist & Pharmacologist Discovered penicillin in 1928 Mass produced during WWII Average life expectancy in the 20 th century years
Stem Cell Research =utf-8&fr=moz35
During what era were X-rays developed and first used? What is Florence Nightingale known for? What is Alexander Fleming known for? Modern Times (1900 to present)
21 st Century Medicine Patient is thought to have intestinal cancer - which of the following are currently used tx? A tiny camera travels to the site and confirms the diagnosis –Cancer Surgery performed by robot controlled by the Doctor Microprocessor Nanodiamond Patch placed where residual cancer cells might remain Monitors for residual cancer cells Delivers medication - programmed to control dosage size, timing, and history Hospital recovery unit scanners monitor up to 80 patients: records (labs, vital signs, patient by camera) looking for emergency trouble spots T he surgeon monitors the patient remotely from his office Upon return home the patient is monitored 24/7 by the doctor through a phone Monitoring system checks environmental factors in patients home Source:
21 st Century Medicine Patient is thought to have intestinal cancer - which of the following are currently used tx? A tiny camera travels to the site and confirms the diagnosis –Cancer Surgery performed by robot controlled by the Doctor Microprocessor Nanodiamond Patch placed where residual cancer cells might remain Monitors for residual cancer cells Delivers medication - programmed to control dosage size, timing, and history Hospital recovery unit scanners monitor up to 80 patients: records (labs, vital signs, patient by camera) looking for emergency trouble spots T he surgeon monitors the patient remotely from his office Upon return home the patient is monitored 24/7 by the doctor through a phone Monitoring system checks environmental factors in patients home Source:
PatientKeeper DaVinci Robot Microprocessor Nanodiamond Patch M2A Capsule Source:
Potential for the 21 st Century Cure for AIDS, cancer and heart disease Genetic manipulation to prevent inherited diseases is a common practice Antibiotics that do not permit pathogens to develop resistance Nerves of the brain and spinal cord are regenerated to eliminate paralysis Transplantation of every organ in the body Development of methods to slow the aging process Average life span is increased to years and beyond