Good Afternoon!! 1.NVC 2.Intro to President Ronald Reagan 3.Reaganomics: Good for the Nation? Essential Question : Was Reaganomics good for the nation?
Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan: elected President in 1980 – Landslide victory – Prior jobs included actor, TV host, and governor of California Supported by the Moral Majority – Strong Christian political activists who were concerned about the moral decline in society New Right (Neoconservatives): anti- radical political movement that promotes national interest above all other things
Reagan’s Domestic Policy Focus on shrinking the size and power of the Federal Government – “Man is not free unless government is limited.”— Ronald Reagan Reaganomics: conservative economic policy aimed at stimulating the economy and ending stagflation – widespread tax cuts – Deregulate businesses – Decrease spending on social programs and welfare
CONTROVERSY! Was Reaganomics good for the nation!
Side 1: Reaganomics was good for the nation! Side 2: Reaganomics was not good for the nation! 15 min: both sides read ALL the documents then collect 5 pieces of evidence supporting their side. Be sure to include a short explanation of each piece of evidence as well! 5 min: side 1 presents their argument and evidence, side 2 listens and takes notes. 5 min: side 2 presents their argument and evidence, side 1 listens and takes notes. 10 min: CONSENSUS! Discuss. Was Reaganomics good for the nation?