Monday Practice writing numbers Please make sure they are facing the numbers in the correct direction. Tuesday Practice saying your address and phone number. Complete the address and phone number page. Wednesday Write 2 sentences about what you like about living in Mandeville. Remember to check for capital letter, spaces between words, and ending punctuation. Thursday Today was the 100 th Day of School! Write 2 complete sentences about your favorite parts of today. HOMEWORK: *No more than 15 minutes daily. * Send your child’s HW to school on Friday. * Log books read on your Bookworm & send in when completed for a treat!. LANGUAGE This week, we will discover where we live on the big map…from the United States…to Louisiana…to Mandeville… to our home. We will discuss how important it is to know your street address, as well as your phone number. Please practice these at home. The high frequency word for the week is where. We will also continue to study the “H Brother” word family by introducing the “wh” sound and reviewing “sh”, “th”, and “ch”. Our oral vocabulary words for this week are: celebration, job, alert, precise, repair MATH: We will continue Unit 4. This unit focuses on counting to 100 by ones and tens, using comparative vocabulary to describe two sets of up to 10 objects, and counting no more than 20 objects. It introduces adding and subtracting and finding number partners within 10. We will also complete a mid-year assessment of students math skills. Also, we will be administering our math mid-year assessments. VOCABULARY: Greater than, Less than, Put together, Add, Total, In all, All together, Take Away, Subtraction Announcements: *Mandeville Elementary Hardee’s Night: January 26 th from 5 – 9 PM MES will receive 20% of the sales from our families. This Thursday, January 28 th, we will celebrate 100 days smarter! Please remember: 1.Your child should wear their shirt decorated with 100 items on Thursday to school. 2.If you are able to donate, please send in the snack item that was specified for our class. Ms. Krogsgard’s Boys were to bring a bag of pretzel sticks, and Ms. Krogsgard’s girls were to bring a bag of mini marshmallows. Thank you so much for your help! **SPIRIT DAY is this NEXT FRIDAY, February 5 th ! Donate 1$ and help support Royal KIDS Camp. More information will be sent home at a later date. **VALENTINE’S DAY IS FEBRUARY 14 th … we are not planning on having a party; however, our class will exchange Valentines and enjoy some fun activities on Tuesday, FEBRUARY 16th. If your child would like to participate, please make sure they bring enough valentines cards for everyone. We have 22 students in our class. PLEASE DO NOT PUT NAMES ON THE CARDS. Just have your child sign each one. Any questions, just drop me a note. **Our annual MES SOCK HOP IS FRIDAY February 19 th at 5:30!** Dress up in your 50’s outfits and come “rock around the clock” with us at our annual MES Sock Hop herein the school gym. There will be music, food, dancing, and games! You won’t want to miss it!! Reminders: Our LOST AND FOUND bin is overflowing! PLEASE label all coats, sweatshirts, hats and mittens! January 25-29, 2016 Dates to Remember : Jan. 26- MES Hardee’s Night 5-9 PM Jan. 28-Kindergarten’s 100 th Day of School Feb 2- PTA Meeting 9:30 Feb 4- Krewe of MES Mardi Gras Parade Feb. 5- Spirit Day for Royal KIDS Camp Feb 8-12 Mardi Gras Holiday – No School Feb 19- MES Sock Hop 5:30-8:00 Feb 26- Cultural Arts Day March 1- Kindergarten Family Breakfast March 8- PTA Meeting at 9:30 AM March 10- End of Third Grading Period March 11- No School for Students (PD/Record Keeping Day)