CHILD WORKERS Children that are forced to go to war under a certain age from 18 years old and under the youngest child was 5 years old.
CHILD WORKERS They also have to do what the adults tell them to do or they will die from hunger.
CHILD SOLDIERS Child solders are children that are forced to go to war and die for there country.
CHILD SOLDIERS They are also not respected by adults and if they don’t listen they will be beaten up by adults or by other children.
CHILD EDUCATION Some children in some countries don't have good education and some don’t go to school at all and most of them are girls
CHILD EDUCATION They also can't go to school because there parents don't have enough money so they have to work.
WE ARE CHILD SOLDIERS INTERNATIONAL Child Soldiers International is an international human rights research and advocacy organization. We seek to end the military recruitment and the use in hostilities, in any capacity, of any person under the age of 18 by state armed forces or non-state armed groups. We advocate for the release of unlawfully recruited children, promote their successful reintegration into civilian life, and call for accountability for those who unlawfully recruit or use them.
CHILD SOLDIERS FACTS # 1AND 2 1. Child soldiers are any children under the age of 18 who are recruited by a state or non-state armed group and used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, messengers, spies, or for sexual purposes. 2. In the last 15 years, the use of child soldiers has spread to almost every region of the world and every armed conflict. Though an exact number is impossible to define, thousands of child soldiers are illegally serving in armed conflict around the world.
# 3, 4 AND 5 3. Some children are under the age of 10 when they are forced to serve. 4. Two-thirds of states confirm that enrollment of soldiers under the age of 18 should be banned to prohibit forced child soldiers, as well as 16- and 17- year-old armed force volunteers. 5. Children who are poor, displaced from their families, have limited access to education, or live in a combat zone are more likely to be forcibly recruited.
# 6, 7 AND 8 6. Children who are not forced to be soldiers volunteer themselves because they feel societal pressure and are under the impression that volunteering will provide a form of income, food, or security, and willingly join the group. 7. In the last 2 years, 20 states have been reported to have child soldiers in government, government-affiliated, and non-state armed groups. Additionally, 40 states still have minimum age recruitment requirements under 18 years. 8. Girls make up an estimated 10 to 30 percent of child soldiers used for fighting and other purposes. They are especially vulnerable when it comes to sexual violence.
# 9 AND 1O 9. Despite a government agreement in the District of Chad to demobilize the recruitment of child soldiers, there were between 7,000 and 10,000 children under 18 serving in combat and fulfilling other purposes in The recruitment of child soldiers breaks several human rights laws. Children who have committed crimes as soldiers are looked upon more leniently, crimes committed voluntarily are subject to justice under the international juvenile justice standards.
COUNTRIES THAT HAVE CHILD LABOR A few of the countries who have reported use of child soldiers since 2011 are Afghanistan, Colombia, India, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Mali, Pakistan, Thailand, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
THE MILITARY USE OF CHILDREN The military use of children takes three distinct forms: children can take direct part in hostilities (child soldiers); they can be used in support roles such as porters, spies, messengers, lookouts; or they can be used for political advantage human shield.
WHAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS DOING ABOUT IT The Catholic Church has assumed a pastoral responsibility to promote the human dignity of persons exploited through trafficking and slavery and to advocate for their liberation and economic, educational, and formative support. -
CANADA ISSUE ABOUT CHILD LOBOUR Child labour is defined as the regular employment of boys and girls under the age of 15 or 16. Attitudes toward child labour have altered dramatically since the late 18th century, when it was generally assumed that children should contribute to the family economy from about age seven.
HELP THE CHILDREN Help the children to be educated, to be health and to go to school to learn things like we do