GET YOUR ATOM DIAGRAM Take a copy of the diagram of an atom. Use your notes from yesterday to complete the diagram. Color the particles the appropriate color. Make sure you have the correct number of protons, neutrons and electrons. Are they in the right place?? When you are finished, turn it in and start looking over the periodic table.
PERIODIC TABLE SCAVENGER HUNT Find: 4 elements that don’t seem to match the symbols 4 elements with one letter in their symbols 2 elements named after geographic regions 2 elements named after objects in space Write your answers in your journals as you find them.
ELEMENTAL NAME PLATE 1. Write your name using element box from the Periodic Table of Elements. -If some of the letter combinations aren’t there, just write the letter. -Some of the letters may be represented by elements with 1 letter, some with 2 letters. (Notice the first letter is ALWAYS a capital and the second letter is lower case.) -Draw the element cube for letters that are found on the periodic table. Include the atomic number and atomic mass of the element. !
Elemental Name Plate 2. Below your name, list some of the “properties” of the substance you created. The properties should be YOUR characteristics. 3. Decorate it to make it beautiful
CHALLENGE List the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for each of the elements in your name