Chapter Two Part 1 Greece Aegean,Minoan Prepared by Kelly Donahue-Wallace Randal Wallace University of North Texas Gardner's Art through the Ages, Concise Edition by Fred Kleiner
Prehistoric Aegean Art Dates and Places: BCE Cyclades Islands, Crete, Peloponnesos People: Kings, priests, warriors Described in Homer’s Iliad Snake Goddess, ca. 1600BCE. Fig. 2-8.
Prehistoric Aegean Art Themes: Human figures Nature Funerary offerings Palaces and citadels Forms: Formal conventions vary Post-and-lintel and masonry construction Stairwell in the residential quarter at the palace at Knossos, ca BCE. Fig. 2-4
Prehistoric Aegean: Cycladic Dates and Places: BCE Cyclades Islands People: Little known Example: Schematic figures Painted funerary offerings Figurine of a woman, ca BCE. Fig
Prehistoric Aegean: Minoan Dates and Places: BCE Island of Crete People: Palace builders Prosperous Rituals involving animals Octopus jar, ca. 1500BCE. Fig. 2-7.
Prehistoric Aegean: Minoan Aerial view of the palace at Knossos, ca BCE. Fig. 2-3.
Prehistoric Aegean: Minoan Example: Labyrinthine yet open palace plan Light and air wells Open courtyard Wood columns with bulbous capitals Administrative, commercial and religious center Aerial view of the palace at Knossos, ca BCE. Fig. 2-3.
Prehistoric Aegean: Minoan Bull-leaping from the palace at Knossos, ca BCE. Fig. 2-4.
Prehistoric Aegean: Minoan Example: Palace fresco paintings of people and nature Conventional representations by gender Minoan figures slender and animated Bull-leaping from the palace at Knossos, ca BCE. Fig. 2-4.