Today’s Objectives 1.Discuss travel video we watched yesterday. 2. Read, listen and take notes on Greek geography. 3.Identify and label on a map the important geographic features of Greece.
Unit 3 Ancient Greece Lesson #1 Geography of Greece
Greece is famous for its’ beautiful ancient architecture.
GREECE is a beautiful country located in South East Europe.
The geography of Greece was very important. Aegean Sea
Greece is located on the Peloponnesus Peninsula.
Peninsula: A piece of land surrounded by water on 3 sides
Say it! Spell it! Pelo ponn esus
Water, Everywhere! * *.. ^ Legend Athens and Sparta Cities Names of bodies of water Mountain Sea AGEAN SEA IONIAN SEA Mediterranean Sea Dardanelles BLACK SEA
Dardanelles: A strait that connects the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea.
Vocabulary Strait: A narrow waterway joining two larger bodies of water
Read page 116 about the City- state of Sparta. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1.Where was Sparta located? 2.Spartan society was divided in 3 groups. Name the groups: 3.What was daily life for men like? 4.What did Spartans value? 5.What did they not value?
Greeks were excellent sailors and fishermen.
Mountains cover 75% of Greece! The mountains and water separate the different City-States of Greece.
The mountains kept the Greek City-States separated. Each city-state developed their own different cultures.
The geography of Greece caused small and isolated city states to develop.
How did the geography of Greece effect it’s development? 1.Mountains and islands caused city- states to be separate and isolated. 2.The city-states had different cultures. 3.Mountains made land not arable: not good for growing food. 4.Greeks colonized other areas to grow food.
Farming was difficult. Only 20% of Greece’s land is arable so the population was small.
Vocabulary Arable: land good for farming
Land Geography made farming difficult. Water Geography made sea travel easy. So…..The Greeks colonized other areas around the Mediterranean to grow food.
Greek Colonies
Greek farmers grew grapes, olives, tomatoes and grain which could grow in rocky soil.
Climate The climate in Greece is beautiful! There are very few hot or cold days.
Greek City-States: Important cities and the land around them. City-States were separated because of the mountains and the water. The City-States competed with each other.
They liked to compete in games!
The Olympic Games started in Greece.
Greek men liked to meet in the markets and discuss politics and philosophy.
2 famous City-States 1.Athens 2.Sparta
Identify on a map 4 seas, 2 cities and the Mount Olympus where the Greek gods lived!
* *.. ^ Legend Athens and Sparta Cities Names of bodies of water Mountain Sea AGEAN SEA IONIAN SEA Mediterranean Sea Dardanelles BLACK SEA
Important Cities * *.. ^ Legend Athens and Sparta Cities Names of bodies of water Mountain Sea Troy Athens Sparta Knossos
* *.. ^ Legend Athens and Sparta Cities Names of bodies of water Mountain Sea Mt. Olympus
Complete the Map On the back of the paper, Greece’s geography had a large impact on Greek civilization, name three things that the geography influenced:
On Back of Map… Draw Greece: Label 1.Peloponnesus Peninsula 2.Ionian Sea 3.Mediterranean Sea 4.Aegean Seas 5.Dardanelles 6.Island of Crete 7.Island of Rhodes
Rick Steve’s Travel Guide to Greece tA8 tA8