Unit 5 Absolutism and Enlightenment
What is it??????????? Absolutism is when a ruler has complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs. (This is also called an Absolute Monarch) Some examples of Absolute Monarchs are: Charles V- Spain Phillip II- Spain Louis XIII- France Louis XIV- France Peter the Great- Russia Frederick II- Prussia (Germany) Maria Theresa- Austria
Unlimited Power No helpers Greedy Divine Right
This was a time when people studied about human nature after the Scientific Revolution. What is Human Nature? This is what humans will tend to do.
Divine Right- this is the belief that the right to rule came directly from God. Charles V- this Spanish king was very successful in the Americas and helped Spain become one of the richest nations in Europe. Phillip II- 29 when he became king, he trusted no one, married Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) he was hard working and serious. Louis XIII- 4 years old when he came to power Cardinal Richelieu was his adviser. Louis XIV- 14 when he became king, he called himself the sun god, and increased taxes to build the Palace of Versailles.
Diderot- “Man can neither exchange himself, nor be enslaved, for all men are naturally born free.” This is discouraging slavery. Montesquieu- “In order to have liberty, it is necessary that the powers of the government be separated.” This is discouraging Absolutism. Voltaire- “I may not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This is Freedom of Speech. Adam Smith- “There should be no government regulations on trade.” This is saying government should not interfere with trade.
First Encyclopedia Supported deism Attacked church authority Religious tolerance Believed Materialism is unhealthy
Believed in the separation and balance of powers in the government This is what the United States has today with the idea of Checks and Balances. Not used by Absolute monarchs
Believed human rights exist for all This played a major role in the U.S. constitution because it denoted Freedom of Speech
Believed the government should not interfere with business.