One Week Fitness Program 7 th Grade By: Type Full Name Here Period ___
7 th Grade Physical Education Standards Standard 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance Develop a one-week personal physical fitness plan specifying the proper warm-up and cool-down activities and the principles of exercise for each component of health related physical fitness.
Five Components of Fitness
Warm Up/ Cool Down Directions: Write down 5 or more of your favorite examples in the spaces provided below. If your favorite is not listed, write it down anyway. Then use these to help you create your own activity log.
Aerobic Capacity Directions: Write down 5 or more of your favorite examples in the spaces provided below. If your favorite is not listed, write it down anyway. Then use these to help you create your own activity log.
Muscular Strength Directions: Write down 5 or more of your favorite examples in the spaces provided below. If your favorite is not listed, write it down anyway. Then use these to help you create your own activity log.
Muscular Endurance Directions: Write down 5 or more of your favorite examples in the spaces provided below. If your favorite is not listed, write it down anyway. Then use these to help you create your own activity log.
Flexibility Directions: Write down 5 or more of your favorite examples in the spaces provided below. If your favorite is not listed, write it down anyway. Then use these to help you create your own activity log.
Personal Fitness Activity Log Directions: Fill in the activity log to improve on your fitness goals.
Personal Fitness Activity Log Directions: Fill in the activity log by writing the exercises that you did or will do for each fitness component to meet your fitness goals. Multiple details and examples required to get full points.
Daily Food Log Directions: Record everything you eat and drink for the entire week in the table below. Multiple details and examples required to get full points.
Nutrition Log Reflection “You are what you eat.” Have you heard that? Although that saying isn’t exactly true, what we do eat does have an impact on how we can concentrate in school, perform in sports, and even affects our moods. The First Lady has given 100% commitment to helping young people be more active and become aware of what they are eating. After reviewing your food log, please answer the questions below. How many days did you eat breakfast? ________________ How many days did you eat at least one fruit? ________________ How many days did you eat at least one vegetable? ______________ How many days did you eat “Junk food” (chips, candy, etc.) _____________ How many days did you drink a soda? ______ How many total ounces of water did you drink per day? _________. Total in one week?_______ 1. Describe ONE change you would like to make to your diet: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
Teacher Evaluation Page Assignment is to be submitted via Edmodo Only. -do not - do not print out to submit - due by January 29, me with any questions Total points possible for this assignment: 130 Total points earned: ___