Precision Measurement of G E p /G M p with BLAST Chris Crawford MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science Thesis Committee Review Meeting 2003/12/4
Outline Introduction and Motivation »Previous methods, world data »Asymmetry super-ratio method Status of BLAST »Hardware: ABS, wire chambers »Software, asymmetries Progress »Contributions »Outlook
Rosenbluth Separation Elastic e-p cross section At fixed Q 2, fit dσ/dΩ vs. tan 2 (θ/2) »Measurement of absolute cross section »Dominated by either G E or G M
Polarization Transfer Recoil proton polarization Focal Plane Polarimeter »recoil proton scatters off secondary 12 C target »P t, P l measured from φ distribution »P b, and analyzing power cancel out in ratio
World Data Unpolarized Data Polarization Transfer »Milbrath et al. (BATES) 1999 »Jones et al. (JLAB), 2000 »Dieterich et al. (MAMI), 2001 »Gayou et al. (JLAB), 2002 Super-Rosenbluth »JLab Hall A, preliminary results expected soon
Super Rosenbluth Separation
Form Factor BATES New technique: polarized beam and target Exploits unique features of BLAST »internal target: low dilution, fast spin reversal »large acceptance: simultaneous measurement of all Q 2 points »symmetric detector: ratio measurement Different systematics »insensitive to P b and P t Q 2 = 0.07 – 0.9 (GeV/c) 2 »overlap with JLab data and RpEX (future exp. at Bates to measure r p )
Asymmetry Super-ratio Method Polarized cross section Super-ratio
Projected Results Statistics »A 1, A 2 Systematics »θ * 1, θ * 2 Δp, Δθ, Δβ Errors are minimized as a function of β (target spin angle)
Contributions ep-elastic event generator RC studies w/Mascarad Newton-Rhapson fitter »rapid convergence Lazy track fitter »fast and efficient, poor res. TOF cal. – position, timing WC cal. – in progress Harmonic interpolation of BLAST field map Maintained BlastLib2, CVS »standard program interface »blastrc – config file »Nsed enhancements »port to GCC-3.2 Control software »Elog– BLAST electronic logbook »Trigger, HV enhancements ROOT enhancement »improved histogram drawing
Radiative Corrections MASCARAD code »A. Afanasev et al., Phys.Rev.D 64, »Covariant calculation with no cutoff parameter »small corrections (<1%) to asymmetry
BlastLib2 Software BlastLib2 v3.0 soon to be ready »Geometry: full 6 degrees of freedom »DST: for second pass reconstruction »Improved handling of WC noise »Debugged event-by-event
TOF Calibrations Position – coplanarity Timing – cosmics
Wire Chamber Tracking Garfield drift time simulation Newton-Rhapson track fitter 200 μm resolution 20:1 signal to noise ratio
Newton-Rhapson Track Fitter
Tracking Resolution
Asymmetry very low dilution due to problems with ABS 180 degree holding field0 degree holding field 45 degree holding field left sector right sector
Atomic Beam Source Standard technology Dissociator & nozzle 2 sextupole systems 3 RF transitions nozzle 6-pole 1 2 MFT (2->3) pole 1 Spin State Selection:
ABS Enhancements MEASURED FIELD ON THE POLE TIPS: Magnet kG Magnet kG Magnet kG Magnet kG Magnet kG Magnet kG Magnet kG Sextupole Damage BLAST Field Effect
New Asymmetry Results 0 degree holding field, ABS improvementstarget z-dependence left sectorright sectorleft sector previous results
Outlook Work on hardware/software complete Now taking high polarization data Will concentrate on A, not G E p /G M p Schedule »December: asymmetry analysis »January: start writing thesis »April: thesis defense