WORKPLACE VIOLENCE Workplace violence is one of the most under reported types of violence It is estimated that more than 25% of all workplace violence goes unreported
DEFINTION OF WORKPLACE VIOLENCE Any act against an employee that creates a hostile work environment and Negatively affects the employee Either physically Or psychologically
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE STATISTICS According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics murder is the second leading cause of death in the workplace 41% of all women’s death are due to murder 10% of men’s death are due to murder 18% of all violent crime occurs in the workplace 33,000 employees are assaulted each week Government workers have a higher rate of violence
Type one The person committing the crime has: Has no connection to the workplace
TYPE TWO The person committing the crime: Is the recipient of a service
TYPE THREE The person committing the crime has: An employment relationship with a current or former employee
TYPE FOUR The person committing the crime has: A personal relationship with a current or former employee
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence can and does spill over into the workplace Notify supervisors of domestic issues If you are a victim, you have a responsibility not only to yourself, but to co-workers Supervisors shall notify the proper authorities 1/3 of all female murders are committed by current or former intimate partners
WHAT TO DO WHEN WORKPLACE VIOLENCE OCCURS Stay alert to your surroundings Pre-plan where to go Do not agitate the person Run Find a place to hide Call 911 If all else fails fight
QUESTIONS???? Ricky Tucker NC State Capitol Police