Early American Writing


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Presentation transcript:

Early American Writing (1600-1800)

Captain John Smith: The General History of Virginia (1580-1631) This kind of writing is known as a historical narrative. John Smith published an account of his travels to the New World and his settlement of Jamestown in 1607. He tells how he was captured by the Powhatan Indians and then rescued by Chief Powhatan’s daughter Pocahontas.

William Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation (1590-1657) William Bradford’s chronicle describes the Pilgrims’ winter arrival to the New World. They survive both Indian attacks and a starving time during a harsh winter. He describes meeting Squanto and Chief Massasoit and making a friendly pact with the Indians. The finally share in a feast of thanksgiving.

Olaudah Equiano: The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797) This is a slave narrative that describes the horrendous journey on a slave ship. Equiano describes the inhumane conditions, the floggings and those who chose to jump overboard rather than endure such harsh conditions. He then recounts how they are sold into slavery; many are cruelly separated from family members. Equiano himself was stolen at 11 along with his sister from his home in Africa; he never saw his parents again and was separated from his sister before boarding the slave ship.

Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) and Edward Taylor (1642-1729): Puritan Poets Puritan is a broad term referring to a number of Protestant groups who sought to “purify” the Church of England which had been closely connected to its government. The Bible provided a model for Puritan writing – each individual life was a journey to salvation. They saw a direct connection between Biblical events (allusions) and their own lives. They used writing to explore the inner and outer lives for signs of the workings of God. They favored a “plain style” similar to that of the Geneva Bible and stressed clear expressions over complicated figures of speech.

Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God (1703-1758) This is a sermon that Jonathan Edwards gave to groups of Puritans in Massachusetts. It caused a movement known as The Great Awakening, a religious revival that went through the colonies. However, because of the extremism of the Great Awakening, it was rejected by the end of Edwards’ lifetime.

The General History of Virginia Captain John Smith: The General History of Virginia (1580-1631) How does John Smith characterize the other Jamestown leaders? Who are they? When Smith says he built other’s shelters before he built his own, what does he want readers to think about him? What are other examples that portray this? Reread the following statement: “The President and Captain Archer not long after intended also to have abandoned the country, which project was curbed and suppressed by Smith.” How would you restate this sentence? How was Smith saved from death in Powhatan’s court? Give specific examples. Why were the Native Americans important to the colonists? Give specific details in your answers.

Of Plymouth Plantation William Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation (1590-1657) What did the colonists do when they first arrived in North America? What is the colonists “First Encounter” with and what is it like? What details show that the colonists are fair? How would you summarize “The Starving Time”? How did Squanto help the colonists? Give specific details and examples from the text to support each answer. You also want to use page numbers so you can look up the passages when you study for the Quiz on Friday.

The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797) Why do the sailors whip Equiano? Why would Equiano include the story of a white man being beaten to death? Why does Equiano spend most of his time on deck instead of below deck? Reread the following lines: “…to our astonishment who were on deck, rather than give any of them to us to eat, as we expected, they tossed the remaining fish into the sea again.” What does this passage explain about the sailors’ actions? What does Equiano say about the practice of separating family members?

Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God (1703-1758) Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God (1703-1758) Who is the author’s main audience for this sermon? What is the author trying to feebly describe? What feeling does the author hope to cause in his listeners when he describes God as angry? What does the author say can save people from God’s wrath? What does the author say everlasting life will be filled with for those who are born again?