Unit 1 Review
Unit Intro *Mayflower, 1620 *“Separatists” *Plymoth Bay Colony * Help from Native Americans * Massachusetts Bay Colony * Theocracy * The Great Awakening * Ministers like Jonathan Edwards Pilgrims Vs. Puritans Religious reformers Critical of Church of England Voyaged to The New World
Native Americans The Earth on Turtle’s Back -Onondaga When Grizzlies Walked Upright -Modoc The Navajo Origin Legend - If you can’t figure out which tribe this was from, why are you in the class?
Christopher Columbus Sailed the ocean blue in 1492 blahblahblah. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella – funding. -Columbus would rule land found and get 10% income. Wrote journal to show his beneficiaries the trip was worth while. Basically had no idea where he was and “communicated” with natives of islands.
John Smith Former soldier, poet, map maker, and ego maniac. -President of Jamestown from 1608 – 1609 Wrote The General History of Virginia. Strongly disliked Indians -Other than Pocahontas Embellished his stories
William Bradford Intelligent, courageous, kind. – Govenor of Plymouth Plantation for 31 years. Wrote Of Plymouth Plantation. – Written in Puritan Plain Style, less complex than Smith. Worked well with Indians - Squanto and Samoset.
Olaudah Equiano Was a prince in his homeland. Kidnapped at age 11 to become a slave. -Was one for 10 years. Bought his freedom, became an abolitionist. Wrote autobiography, spoke about conditions on the ships. - By the way, they were terrible.
Anne Bradstreet / Edward Taylor Bradstreet – Wrote love poems to her often away husband. – Was considered a witch. – To My Dear and Loving Husband. Taylor – Wrote love poems…to God. – Only published two poems in his lifetime. – Huswifery
John Edwards Minister, brilliant academic. -Knew Latin, Greek, and Hebrew by 12. -Graduated from Yale at 17. Began preaching His grandfather was a pastor from one of the largest congregations in Puritan World * Sinners In The Hands of an Angry God.
QUESTION TIME! What happened in The Earth On Turtle’s Back? Why did the Pilgrims split from the Church of England? Who wrote Huswifery – Bradstreet or Taylor? What is theocracy? Who funded Christopher Columbus’ trip?