The Changing Colonies To what extent did the colonists react to the influx of diversity as well as the interaction caused by the increase in commerce and the availability of information? Do now: Document analysis Important dates: you should be read up to chapter 5 by this Friday – exam will be on Tuesday and it will be 50 multiple choice question all Fact and Recall
The Enlightenment in the American Colonies: Emphasized the power of human reasoning John Lock – natural rights, ”Concerning Human Understanding” – stressing the importance of environment and experience on beliefs and behavior; “Two Treatises on Government” – stressing the social compact with people who have the right to change their government
The Rise of the Great Awakening: revivalism in New England – 1730s Jonathan Edwards – “sinners in the hands of an angry god”; “hells wide gaping mouth” - sparked major conversion and religious fervor George Whitefield – spoke about the power of god and the need to seek salvation “new lights” Battle between the new lights and old lights; Great Awakening lead people to a challenge authority, and gave a new sense of authority to many who NOW expressed their own religious and political opinions
How did the change to religious domination by the Anglican and Congregational churches impact the colonies in the late 18 th century?
Conflict in the South The Presbyterian Revival; the new lights began to challenge the Church of England, leading to competition amongst churches. - the Royal government, would end up denouncing all new light actions The Baptists: 1760 major conversion of whites to Baptists; where Whitfield urged all to bring their slaves to church. - many whites rejected this, but many enslaved blacks embraced it