Food Unit Review
Single celled and multicellular organisms consume nutrients to primarily obtain what? Energy
A diet high in which food chemical is likely to lead to heart disease? Heart disease
Name two of the more important pieces of information on a nutrition label? Calories and Serving size
Carbohydrates are made up primarily of what? sugar
What is the ultimate source of energy for most living organisms? The Sun
The process in organisms which breaks down food into useable parts is known as what? digestion
The process of using oxygen to release the energy in nutrients within cells is known as what? respiration
When sugar is oxidized into Carbon Dioxide and Water, releasing energy, what is that process called? respiration
The muscles along the digestive tract depend on oxygen to function. This represents a relationship between which two processes in the body? Digestion and respiration
When Carbon Dioxide and Water are combined to create sugar, what is that process called? photosynthesis
A diet high in what nutrient can clog blood vessels and reduce the flow of oxygen to your body? Fats
When an organism oxidizes food, some of the energy is lost in what form? heat
Name a hormone in your body which is made of proteins that helps control the level of sugar in your blood? insulin
A high body mass index (BMI) can lead to what long term health problems? Heart disease, diabetes
Glucose is created by plants and broken down in the human body to provide what for our bodies? energy
What kind of nutrient chemical is most important in promoting growth of animals? proteins
Aerobic exercise is helpful to prevent what kind of disease? Heart disease
Organisms with chloroplasts are most often what kind of organisms? Plants
What process does this equation represent? C 6 H O 2 → 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O Respiration
Why is Calcium an important nutrient for growing children? Helps with growth of bones
A moderate exercise program will help your body burn what? calories
Obesity and lack of exercise in adults can lead to what non- infection disease? Type 2 Diabetes
What type of food chemical is most closely associated with building and repair of cells and tissues? protein
What process does this equation represent? 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O → C 6 H O 2 Photosynthesis
What element is necessary to break down food molecules in cells after digestion has taken place? oxygen
What food chemical is most closely associated with insulation and protection? fats