Use context clues to guess the meaning of each word 1. I wanted to just set the table and be done with it, but my mother scrupulously arranged each napkin, dish, and utensil until they were in perfect alignment. 2. When Jose found out that his little brother Emilio carelessly broke Jose's Xbox disc tray, Jose was vexed and sure let Emilio know it. 3. Jane could have easily offended Bertha when she informed her that the dress did not fit her well, but Jane used tact and consideration when choosing her words, so Bertha understood without being hurt. 4. Her parents really wanted her to attend the local university, but Shaniqua argued her case so emphatically and with such great passion, that her parents gave Shaniqua their consent 5. After Brian broke Darcy's heart this last time, he will have to make some serious amends if he ever wants to win her back. 6. Stanley tried to determine the meaning of the vocabulary word, but there were so few clues in the sentence all he could do was hopelessly conjecture as to what the word might mean. 7. The clues in the sentence were so helpful, Stanley was able to ascertain the meaning of the word beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Block 4 Get into play groups. Spend the next 20 minutes finishing your brainstorming from Friday. *Reminder: rough draft of script due Friday
Act 1, Scenes 4 & 5 Get a textbook Open to p. 573 Arrange desks into a circle
Air raid Bombs are dropped from air crafts onto targets on the ground During and after WW2, people conducted “air raid drills” to prepare for air raids from enemy soldiers Is there anything shocking/surprising by this video? Were these drills a good idea? Does it remind you of anything that we do today?
Hanukkah A.K.A. “The Festival of Lights” Jewish holiday during December Observed for eight nights and days Light one candle on the first night and an additional candle each night after Celebrates the Jewish people’s “taking back” of their temple from an oppressive empire *How is the “family’s” situation similar to the situation that ancient Jews were in during the story of Hanukkah?
“Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah!”
Tableau A “still frame” or “freeze frame” image that portrays the emotions and actions in a scene Since this is still, silent image, facial expressions and body language must be dramatic so that a viewer will be able to understand the proper emotion and action going on in the scene without any movement, dialogue, context, etc.
Create your own tableau! Choose an exciting/emotional scene from act 1 that you would like to re-create Reminders: After the war (Mr. Frank goes back to visit, Miep gives him the diary) The families arrive at the annex/are introduced Hanging out in the annex months later (Anne fools around with Peter, fights with the adults, spills milk on Mrs. VD’s coat, Dussel arrives, etc.) Anne has a nightmare Hanukkah (dinner, presents, they hear someone downstairs and Peter falls off the chair)
Assignment Requirements Tomorrow/Wednesday, I will take a picture of your tableau. In order to score this portion, I will ask: Can I tell what it going on in the scene just from this image? Did you account for all characters? Where should you be on stage? Is that where you are? Do your body position and facial expression reflect the proper emotion of your character in the scene? How much did you commit to your acting? Are you putting forth an honest effort? In addition to the image, you should hand in a written explanation that addresses the following (at least 10 sentences): Describe the scene you created. Which character were you supposed to be? What emotion/gesture are you depicting in the image? How did you decide on this and how did you achieve it? Did this scene work well as a tableau? In other words, were you able to re-create this moment as effectively as you had planned? Why or why not?