2 Plant Care Products Products to help Plants grow and be protected
Liquid Plant Foods FertilizerFertilizer LiquidLiquid Houseplants Succulents Use with every watering 3 Great Fertilizer Formulations Liquid Plant Food Formula is ideal for houseplants Liquid African Violet Food Formula promotes beautiful flowers with high phosphorous formula Liquid Cactus Food Formula is ideal for slower growing cactus, aloe and other succulent houseplants Major opportunity to replace current houseplant line based on its questionable availability for 2016 Great opportunity to gain share in an important growing category.
Houseplant Care Mite-X® Controls mites and aphids on tender plants Eight® Insect Control Kills thrips, mealybugs, whiteflies and more – Gentle on tender houseplants Leaf Shine & Moisture Guard Great for shiny leaf plants, adds beauty while reducing moisture loss through leaves. Keep hard leafed plants looking great! Insecticidal Soap Natural way to keep houseplants insect free – works in minutes on all houseplants. Kills aphids, mealybugs and more NEW – Look for houseplant items Insecticide & Protectant LiquidLiquid HouseplantsHouseplants Houseplant Care
5 Convenient ready-to-apply granules Long lasting – up to 8 weeks of insect control No odor – excellent for indoor use Kills fungus gnats, mealy bugs, whiteflies, thrips and scale insects Contains Imidacloprid insecticide Systemic insect control provides overall plant protection Systemic Houseplant Insect Control InsecticideInsecticide GranulesGranules Houseplants Indoors and Outdoors Systemic
Garden Rich ® Root & Grow AmendmentAmendment LiquidLiquid Indoor / Outdoor Plants Root and Plant Stimulator New formulation – analysis PLUS …calls out IBA on the label Also in Pt.,Qt. and Gal. Sizes IBA (Indole butyric acid) stimulates root development and reduces transplant shock Weatherproof labe l Use for all transplants! Vegetables Trees Berries Flowers Shrubs Houseplants Ornamentals
Rot-Stop Blossom End Rot Supplement Corrects calcium deficiency Apply to developing foliage Apply between or after periods of heavy rain Tomato & Blossom Set Spray Aids in setting fruit even in poor weather “Like a bottle of bees!” Contains Kinetin Tomato Plant Care Natural PGR RTU & Concentrate Specialty Plant Care Works in Heavy Rain
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