About optical camouflage??? OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE is a kind of active camouflage which completely envelopes the wearer. Camouflage means to blend with the surroundings. It is the method which allows an organism or object to remain indiscernible from the surrounding environments by use colour, luminance and reflective properties. Optical camouflage would only provide invisibility in the visible portion of the spectrum.
Secret of Invisibility Cloak The cloak that enables optical camouflage to work is made from a special material known as retro-reflective material. A retro-reflective material is covered with thousands and thousand of beads. When light strikes one of these beads the light rays bounce back exactly in same direction.
Light surface Reflectivity This is unique because light reflects off of other types of surfaces. Rough surface – diffused reflection Smooth surface – specular reflection Retro-Reflective surface –refraction occurs
Requirements Optical camouflage doesn't work by way of magic. Taking advantage of something called augmented-reality technology. Augmented-reality systems add computer- generated information to a user's sensory perceptions. A garment made from retro-reflective material A video camera A computer A projector A special, half-silvered mirror called a combiner
The Invisibility Cloak System
Functioning A digital video camera captures the scene behind the person wearing the cloak. The computer processes the captured image and sends it to projector. The projector shines the image through a pinhole- sized opening onto the combiner. The silvered half of the mirror, which is completely reflective, bounces the projected image toward the person wearing the cloak. The cloak acts like a movie screen, reflecting light directly back to the source, which in this case is the mirror. Light rays bouncing off of the cloak pass through the transparent part of the mirror and fall on the user's eyes which contains the image behind it.
Disappearing car-test bed simulation only
Cloaking System Activated
Car disappears simulation
HEAD-MOUNTED DISPLAYS Its not pragmatic So most systems take the advantage of head mounted displays Shortly, HMD’s Assembles the combiner and optics in a wearable device, look like high-tech goggles
Real-world apps:: Augmented stereoscopic vision in surgery Cockpit floors Transparent rear hatch Stealth technology
conclusion Interesting world of optical camouflage Anyone can be almost invisible with this technology Future promises a lot more Research work is going on and soon we will have even more astonishing results. Latest invention cloak is applied to mobile phones even